T0 using HFT - Run14 - new TPC alignment

This is the first attempt at using HFT to provide a more precise T0. The study has been carried out with Yuri's new TPC alignement

1 - Cosmics.
2 - AuAu.

Cosmics (FF):

For the cosmics of Run14 the default T0 = -0.119μs gives the first set of plots below which is used to update T0 to  -0.104μs, i.e. corrected by ~15ns. The second set pf plots is using the new T0. 

The third set of plots are with the correct TPC-HFT alignment. 





AuAu low luminosity (RFF):

For the AuAu data of Run14 the default T0 = -0.119μs gives the first set of plots below which is used to update T0 to  -0.123μs, i.e. corrected by ~4ns. The second set pf plots is using the new T0. 
Both sets of plots are with correct TPC-HFT alignement from Alex and Hao calculated from the FF cosmics dataset above. 
