mzyzak's blog - TFG presentation at the Collaboration Meeting 19.07.2018 - July 12., 2018
- TFG presentation at the STAR Collaboration Meeting 19.07.2018 - July 10., 2018
- TFG presentation at the STAR Collaboration Meeting 19.07.2018 - July 10., 2018
- KF Particle Finder proposal - May 30., 2018
- Adding covariance matrix for KF Particle Finder - May 1., 2018
- Lambda c results, total statistics of 2014+2016 runs - March 13., 2018
- HLT Meeting 23.01.2018 - January 23., 2018
- HLT meeting, Open charm with KF Particle, 16.01.2018 - January 16., 2018