BulkCorr PWG 2016
To join the meeting: bluejeans.com/456198810
Meeting ID: 456198810
Dial in with phone: (1) +1.408.740.7256 (US); (2) Toll Free: +1.888.240.2560; (3) Alternate number: +1.408.317.9253
Link to 2015 BulkCorr PWG meetings, here.
[#43] December 21, 2016
1. Lukasz: Analysis Update: "FXT elliptic flow measurement"
2. Gang: Analysis Update: "The gamma measurements from pAu collisions"
3. Prithwish and Grigory Analysis Update: "Run 15 pAu QA and analysis of Q-cumulants"
[#42] December 14, 2016
News: Everyone who has a QM oral or poster talk should send one slide
summary of the analysis status.
1. Tetsuro: Analysis Update: "Net-charge fluctuations"
2. Jie: Analysis Update: "CME analysis"
[#41] December 7th, 2016
1. Niseem: Analysis Update: "System Size and Shape effect on vn"
[#40] November 30th, 2016
1. Niseem: Paper Proposal: "Beam Energy Dependence of Rapidity-Even Dipolar Flow in Au+Au Collisions". Website: here.
2. Niseem: Analysis Update: "Investigation of particle anti-particle elliptic flow (v2)"
3. Jie: Analysis Update: "CME Analysis"
[#39] November 16th, 2016
1. Jie Analysis Update: "Background free measurement of the chiral magnetic effect in small system collisions at RHIC"
2. Niseem Analysis Update: "Investigation of particle anti-particle elliptic flow (v2)"
[#38] November 2nd, 2016
1. Arghya: Analysis Update: "Measurements of Off-diagonal cumulants analysis"
[#37] October 26th, 2016
1. Andrzej: Analysis Update: "Angular correlations of identified particles in the BES"
2. Jie: Analysis Update: "Azimuthal charged-particle correlations analysis in p+Au collisions with ZDC-smd event plane"
3. Niseem: Analysis Update: "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 at 200 GeV Au+Au Collision"
[#36] October 19th, 2016
1. John: Analysis Update: "Azimuthally Sensitive Femtoscopy"
2. Jindrich: Analysis Update: "Kaon femtoscopy in AuAu collisions"
[#35] October 12th, 2016
1. Tetsuro Analysis Update: "Net-charge Fluctuation"
2. Grigory Analysis Update: "Charged meson femtoscopy in Au+Au collisions"
[#34] October 5th, 2016
1. Rachel Smith Analysis Update: "Charge Asymmetry Dependence of Proton Elliptic Flow in 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions"
2. John Campbell Analysis Update: "Pion-pion HBT in U+U collisions"
3. Takafumi Niida Analysis Update: "Global polarization - revisit Au+Au 200 GeV with Run10"
[#33] September 28th, 2016
News: Abstract deadlines: Oct. 1: send the STAR approved abstract to QM2017
1. Jie Analysis Update: "Run15 QA and Azimuthal Charged-particle Correlations"
2. Yiwen Huang Analysis Update: "Search for the chiral magnetic effect with identified particles in 39 GeV Au+Au collisions"
3. Rachel Smith Analysis Update: "Charge Asymmetry Dependence of Proton Elliptic Flow in 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions" (moved to the next meeting)
4. Arabinda Analysis Update: "Unfolding Systematics in UU 193 GeV Collisions"
[#32] September 21st, 2016
News: Proposed QM2017 abstracts
Abstract deadlines:
Sept. 18th, post to startalk-list, after PWG approval
Oct. 1, send the STAR approved abstract to QM2017
1. Terry Paper Proposal: "Dynamical Relative Charge Number Fluctuations Across Multiple Regimes of QCD
Matter in Au_like+Al, Al+Au, and Au+Au Collisions from 3.0-200 GeV"
2. Jie Analysis Update: "Run15 p+Au data QA and Azimuthal Charged-Particle Correlations"
[#31] September 14th, 2016
News: Proposed QM2017 abstracts
Abstract deadlines: Sept. 4th: post to WPG
Sept. 18th, post to startalk-list, after PWG approved
Oct. 1, send the STAR approved abstract to QM2017
1. Neha Analysis Update: "proton-Omega Correlations"
2. Jie Zhao Paper Proposal: "Azimuthal charged particle correlation analysis in 200 GeV Au+Au and d+Au collisions"
3. Tetsuro Analysis Update: "Net-charge fluctuation analysis"
[#30] September 7th, 2016
News: Proposed QM2017 abstracts
Abstract deadlines: Sept. 4th: post to WPG
Sept. 18th, post to startalk-list, after PWG approved
Oct. 1, send the STAR approved abstract to QM2017
[#29] August 31st, 2016
News: Proposed QM2017 abstracts
Abstract deadlines: Sept. 4th: post to WPG
Sept. 18th, post to startalk-list, after PWG approved
Oct. 1, send the STAR approved abstract to QM2017
1. Qiye: Paper Proposal: "CMW long paper proposal"
2. D. Tlusty Analysis Update: "Lambda direct flow"
3. Tetsuro Analysis Update: "Delta_eta dependence of net-charge fluctuations in AU+Au collisions from the beam energy scan at the STAR experiment"
4. Fufang Wen Analysis Update: "CME study in 200GeV Cu+Cu collisions"
[#28] August 24th, 2016
News: QM2017 abstracts are due to PWG on Monday, Aug. 29th, 2016
Anjali DAE Abstract: "E-by-E charge seperation in 200GeV Au+Au collisions"
1. Toshihiro Analysis Update: "Net-proton C6 from 200GeV Au+Au collisions"
2. Ji Paper Proposal: "Beam Energy Dependence of the Net-Kaon High Moments"
3. Ryo Aoyama Analysis update: "Measurement of flow with event shape engineering"
[#27] August 10th, 2016
News: Aug. Collaboraiton meeting preparation
QM2017 topics
1. Fufang Wen Analysis Update: "A method study on removing flow backgrounds from the CME analysis"
2. Rachel Analysis Update: "Proton v2 and the search for CMW"
3. Arabinda Analysis Update: "Event-by-event v2 measurement in UU collisions"
4. Jie Analysis Update: "Azimuthal charged-particle correlations analysis"
5. Lukasz Analysis Update: "Fixed Target: Elliptic Flow Analysis"
[#26] August 3rd, 2016
News: Aug. Collaboraiton meeting preparation
QM2017 topics
1. Niseem Analysis Update: "Beam energy dependence of dipole asymmetry"
2. Toshihiro Analysis Update: "Comparison of net-proton cumulants multiplicity distribution with preliminary results"
3. Takafumi Analysis Update: "Dipole flow and momentum shift in Cu+Cu and Au+Au"
[#25] July 27th, 2016
News: Aug. Collaboraiton meeting preparation
QM2017 topics
1. Anjali Analysis Update: "E-by-E charge sepeeration in 200GeV Au+Au collisions"
2. Biao Paper Proposal: "Charge Asmmmetry Correlations to search for CME"
3. Vipul Analysis Update: "Azimuthal anisotropy of Ks0 in U+U collisions at 193 GeV"
[#24] July 20th, 2016
News: Aug. Collaboraiton meeting preparation
QM2017 topics
1. Arghya: Analysis Update: "Measurement of Off-diagonal Susceptibilities at RHIC-BES energies"
2. Tetsuro: Analysis Update: "Delta_eta Dependence of net-charge fluctuation"
3. Ajit: Analysis Update: "Multi-particle correlation method for measuring the CME signal"
[#23] July 13th, 2016
News: Aug. Collaboraiton meeting preparation
QM2017 topics
1. Toshihiro: Analysis Update: "C6"
2. Rachel Smith: Analysis Update: "Charge-Asymmetry Dependence of Proton Elliptic Flow in 200GeV Au+Au Collisions"
3. Terry: Analysis Update: "Fluctuations"
4. Nasim: Analysis Update: "Flow correlation and fluctuation study"
[#22] July 6th, 2016
News: HP2016 abstracts from BulkCorr PWG?
1. Eva Huang: Analysis Update: "p-pi correlations from 39GeV Au+Au collisions"
[#21] June 29, 2016
1. Jindrich: Analysis Update: "kaon femtoscopy in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV"
2. Sebastian: Analysis Update: "Problems ToF proton femtoscopy analysis at 19.6GeV"
[#20] June 22, 2016
Agenda: SQM2016 Talks
1. Shusu: STAR Overview talk "Strangeness in STAR at RHIC"
2. Subhash: "Beam Energy Dependence v1 for Strange Hadrons "
3. Niseem: "Viscous Damping of Anisotropy Flow ..."
4. Ji: "Net-Kaon High Moments"
5. Liwen: "Chiral effects"
6. Jinlong: "EPD Upgrade"
7. Grigory: HSQCD Talk: ""
[19] June 15, 2016
1. News: SQM2016 talks?
2. Neha: Analysis Update: "Proton-Omega Correlations"
3. Navneet: Analysis Update: "v2 vs. vn"
4. Maowu: Analysis Update: "Flow study in 193GeV U+U Collisions"
5. Arabinda: Analysis Update: "Flow unfolding in U+U data"
6. Nasim: Analysis Update: "Correlation between flow harmonics and event planes - A direct test of hydrodynamic behavior using data"
[18] June 1, 2016
1. News:
2. Isaac: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC BES"
3. Ji: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Energy Dependence of Moments of Net-p, Net-K, Net-charge Multiplicity Distributions at STAR"
4. Prashanth: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Beam Energy Scan of Directed Flow and Study of Possible EOS Softening"
5. Kathryn: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "FXT"
6. Qi-Ye: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Charge Asymmetry Dependence of Kaon v2"
7. Rosi: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "STAR Detector Upgrade"
8. Prithwish: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Search for CME"
9. Bill: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "STAR Detector Upgrades for BES-II"
10. Liwen: AGS/RHIC USERS Meeting Talk: "Search for CME with PID Particles"
[17] May 25, 2016
1. News:
2. Ji: AGS talk: "Higher Moments"
3. Tetsuro: Analysis Update: "Net-charge fluctuation in Au+Au collisions at 14.5GeV"
[16] May 18, 2016
1. News:
2. Subhash: SQM16: "v1"
3. Niseem: SQM16: "Viscous Damping ..."
4. Toshihiro: Analysis Update: "RefMult3 analysis"
5. Brijesh: Analysis Update: "BF Correlations"
[15] May 11, 2016
1. News: a) SQM2016 talks
2. Brijesh: Analysis Update: "B-F Correlations"
3. Ji: Analysis Update: "Net-Kaon High Moment"
[14] May 4, 2016
1. News: a) SQM2016 talks
b) ISMD2016, Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2016, Korea [https://nuclear.korea.ac.kr/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=166]
2. Jie Analysis Update: "Systematic uncertainty study of the azimuthal charged-particle correlation"
[13] April 27, 2016
1. News: a) SQM2016 talks
2. Xiaofeng: Anlysis Upgrade: "Cumulants of Net-proton Distributions"
3. Niseem: Analysis Upgrade: "v_n results from FTPC"
[12] April 20, 2016
1. News: a) Run17 and run18 possibilities
b) SQM2016 talks
[11] April 6, 2016
1. News:
2. Lukasz Analysis Update: "First v2 result from FTX 4.5GeV Au+Au collisions"
3. Jie Analysis Update: "Azimuthal charged-particle correlation analysis"
[10] March 30, 2016
1. News:
2. Jinhui: Analysis Update: "proton-Omega Correlation Function"
3. John: Analysis Update: "Femtoscopy U+U Collisions"
4. Isaac: Analysis Update: "Lambda Polarization systematic"
5. Jie: New Analysis: "Azimuthal charged-particle correlation"
[09] March 23, 2016
1. News: (1) SQM2016 abstract submission deadline March 31, 2016.
i) Niseem: "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 - 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions"
ii) Nasim: "Measurement of correlation between different order flow harmonics and event plane angles in heavy-ion collision in STAR"
iii) Ji: "Energy Dependence of Moments of Net-Kaon Multiplicity Distributions at STAR"
iv) Mike: "Global Hyperon Polarization in Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Measured by the STAR Experiment at RHIC"
v) Subhash: "v1"
vi) Chensheng: "J/Psi v2"
2. Isaac: Analysis Update: "Systematic Error Check for the Lambda Polarization Measurement"
3. Xu: Analysis Update: "Lambda Polarization Measurement at 19.6 GeV"
4. Nasim: Analysis Update: "Correlation between flow harmonics and event planes"
5. Niseem: Analysis Update: "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 - 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions"
6. Brijesh: Analysis Update: "On the Eff for LRC"
7. Chensheng: Analysis Update: "J/psi v2"
[08] March 16, 2016
1. News: (1) SQM2016 abstract submission deadline March 31, 2016
(2) "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - QCHS 12"
2. Lukasz: Analysis Upgrade: "FXT results"
3. Brijesh: Analysis Upgrade: "Forward-Backward multiplicity correlation results from BES"
4. Niseem: Analysis Update: "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 to 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions"
[07] March 9, 2016
1. News: (1) BES-I pocoDSTs: Jochen
2. Lukasz: Analysis update: "v2 from FXT", here
3. Nasim: Analysis update: "Measurement of Correlation Between Different Flow Harmonics in Au+Au Collision"; here
4. Takafumi: Analysis update: "Charge-dependent v1 Results in Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV"; here
5. Sebastian: WPCF Proceedings: Nu's comments, here. Updated version, here
[06] March 2, 2016
1. News: (1) d+Au run in 2016
(2) BES PicoDST issue and RCF distributed disks
2. DIscussion: 27GeV Au+Au collisions in RUN16? Message from Mike: here; Talk at the UCLA Chiral meeting: here
[05] February 24, 2016
1. News: (1) Baryon 2016 Conference: http://baryons2016.physics.fsu.edu/
(2) PicoDST issue
2. WWND2016 talk drafts: (1) Isaac: here; (2) Ji: here
[04] February 17, 2016
1. News:
2. Chiral Workshop Talks: (1) Mike Lisa: here; (2) Takafumi Niida: here; (3) Ajit: here
(4) Prithwish Ptribedy: here; (5) Liwen Wen: here; (6) Qi-Ye: here
[03] February 3rd, 2016
2. Arghya: Analysis Update:"Measurement of Off-Diagonal Susceptibilities"
3. Ajit: Analysis Update: "Charge Asymmetry measurement with a multi-particle correlation method"
[02] January 20th, 2016
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