Council meeting 2023/03/02 (LBNL)
Thursday, March 2, 2023 (6 pm PST (Berkeley) time)
I. Approval of Meeting Minutes from the Council Meeting (September 14, 2022)
II. Spokesperson Election (voting)
III. Spokesperson Report (Lijuan/Helen)
IV. Modifications of STAR Bylaws regarding dual membership in STAR/sPHENIX (voting) (Donald Koetke)
V. Talks Committee Report (Fuqiang Wang)
VI. Run23 shift preparations report (Daniel Cebra)
VII. STAR Juniors Report (Xiaoyu Liu)
VIII. Applications to join STAR (voting will follow after the meeting online)
Full membership:
a) SCNU (Shuai Yang)
Associate membership:
b) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) (Guannan Xie)
c) NIT Durgapur (Arghya Chatterjee)
d) Sejong University (Saehanseul Oh)
e) Wuhan University of Science and Technology (Hanlin Li)
IX. Requests for emeritus membership (voting)
Jim Thomas (Nu Xu)
Jan Pluta (Hanna Zbroszczyk)
Lanny Ray (Jana Bielcikova)
X. Next STAR Collaboration meeting/hosting (All)
XI. Management discussion
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