Council meeting 2024/03/21
I. Approval of Meeting Minutes from the Council Meeting (October 18, 2023)
II. Spokesperson Report (Frank Geurts)
III. Application to join STAR: Chongqing University (Shenghui Zhang)
IV. Talks Committee Report (Jim Drachenberg)
V. Run24 Report (Daniel Cebra)
VI. STAR Juniors Report (t.b.d.)
VII. Emeritus membership proposal: S. Voloshin (Fuqiang Wang) (voting)
VIII. Investigation of Publication Policies violation (report on ad-hoc committee, Fuqiang's response, discussion) (voting)
IX. Publication of proceedings from conferences (Rene Bellwied t.b.c.)
X. Next STAR Collaboration meeting: WUT Warsaw proposal (Hanna Zbroszczyk)
XI. Formation of a committee for the Council Chair election (voting)
XII. Management discussion
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