Spin PWG: Publication plans
Updated on Tue, 2017-05-02 15:06. Originally created by oleg on 2017-05-02 10:53.
- Gamma-jet cross section (Hal Spinka, Dave Underwood): never had a preliminary result, parts of a paper draft have been around, analysis updates not enforced
- D_LL of Lambda hyperons (Jinlong Zhang): we may get an update at the collaboration meeting, Jinlong is very busy with other things, GPC within 12 months?
- A_LL of dijets with EEMC (Ting Lin): preliminary result shown at SPIN2016, recent updates in jet and spin meeting with good progress, first analysis note exists, expect GPC request within 3 months
- A_N of neutral pions in FMS (Zhanwen Zhu): preliminary results from Yuxi Pan (when?), Zhanwen transcribed the analysis into the official StFms framework, new cluster fitting needs to be reviewed for inclusion in official code, hopefully see GPC request within 6 months
- Jet-like transverse spin asymmetries in FMS (Mriganka Mondal): working on simulation, Mriganka is not working full time on this any more, path forward needs to be discussed
- A_LL of neutral pions in FMS (Chris Dilks): combined with 2013, preliminary result shown at SPIN2014, paper draft has been around for over a year, final analysis of incident angle effect and hot tower mask, expect GPC within 3 months
- A_LL in jets (Zilong Chang): preliminary result shown at SPIN2014, progress shown in jet meeting, GPC request may be ready within 3 months
- A_LL in dijets (Suvarna Ramachandran): preliminary result shown at DIS2016, discussion about combined publication with inclusive jets (Zilong), should be ready within 6 months
- Polarization transfer of Lambda hyperons: preliminary result shown at SPIN2016, no update since then, probably no GPC request within 6 months
- Collins asymmetries at 200 GeV (Kevin Adkins): preliminary result shown at SPIN2014, Kevin will graduate in July, hope to see GPC request within 3 months
- A_L in W-boson production (Devika Gunarathne, Amani Kraishan, Jinlong Zhang): preliminary results shown at SPIN2016 and DIS2017, Amani is looking at FGT tracking now (probably not for inclusion in publication), reasonable to expect GPC request within 6 months
- A_LL of jets and dijets (2013): push to show preliminary results at RHIC Users meeting and summer conferences
- A_N of direct photons in FMS (2015): push to show preliminary result at RHIC Users meeting and fall conferences
- A_N of neutral pions in FMS (2015): preliminary results from p+p and p+A data first shown at MPI2015, need to discuss how to proceed with new cluster fitting
- A_N of neutral pions in FMS with Roman pot correlation (2015): no preliminary result, Chris should focus on the publication of A_LL result
- Inclusive jet cross section (2009): already had PWGC preview, no update since
Current GPCs:
- GPC 210: Jim showed his analysis improvements in the pwg, code QA needs a new assignment (Grant has left)
- GPC 211: needs additional analysis, PAs can't spend much time on it, path forward not well defined at the moment
- GPC 231: paper draft is nearly finished, questions in the code QA need resolved, attempts at including 200 GeV results (Keith Landy) are on a different time scale and will probably be unsuccessful
- oleg's blog
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