Phi distributions of low momentum pions embedded in zerobias data files

This embedding project consists of the generation of rho mesons practically at rest with the starlight event generator. The rho mesons is decayed into a pair of opposite charge pions which are then embedded in zero bias data collected during run 2010.

The plost included here focus on the mismatch in azimuthal angle phi  between reconstructed MC tracks (red markers) and the same distribution produced from MuDst of the zerobias data files.

The complete set of runs used for this project had "ReversedFullField" and is part of the P10ik production.



and for negative pions:



The actual bfc command is:

root4star -b <<EOF
  .L $STAR/StRoot/macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C
  bfcMixer_Tpx(1000, "$INPUTFILE0", "$EMBEDTAGDIR/${FILEBASENAME}.tags.root", 0, 5, -1.0, 1.0, -200, 200, 100, 8, 1, 0, "P10ikAuAu200", "FlatPt", 1, "${FILEBASENAME}.fzd");