ramdebbe's blog - Coherent Diffraction of rho mesons off Au Nuclei in the STAR detector at RHIC - May 25., 2015
- run14UPCtriggerdevelopement - March 18., 2014
- Preparations for a paper on RHO meson diffraction - October 16., 2013
- Analyzing the run14098038 with an offline TofMult>3 cut - April 22., 2013
- First test for a pp "rapidity gap" trigger - April 3., 2013
- Corona or electronic noise? - March 22., 2013
- Another look at activity without beam and HV in Physics mode. - March 20., 2013
- Monitoring for no beam activity in the FGT discs. - March 16., 2013
- A proposal to change the VFS apv parameter - March 14., 2013
- Results of the APV tune for VFS and VFP parameters - March 10., 2013
- Some rough results from FGT APV tuning - March 7., 2013
- Analysis Notes and Draft papers for Rho Diffraction - February 6., 2013
- phoneConf23JAN2013 - January 23., 2013
- New PhoneMeeting content - October 10., 2012
- PhoneMeeting content - October 3., 2012
- FGT cosmic ray stand: Combining hits to make tracks - August 19., 2012
- First look at clusters in cosmic ray setup - August 17., 2012
- QA as function of event multiplicity (RefMult) for UPC rho embedded in zero bias events - March 11., 2012
- Phi distributions of low momentum pions embedded in zerobias data files - March 2., 2012
- Summary of studies on the ISHA parameter in the APV configuration - February 22., 2012
- Summary of the study of amplification studies with MUXGAIN set as MGAINSEL - February 22., 2012
- Summary of studies on the VFS parameter in the APV configuration - February 21., 2012
- Parameter tuning in the FGT APVs - February 16., 2012
- Anode efficiency in TPC voltage scan - March 23., 2010
- UPC analysis - September 9., 2009