3D pion HBT Analysis with Lévy distribution

In this blog entry, we summarize the results of 3D Lévy femtoscopy analysis using Run-11 200 GeV Au+Au data.

These results use the same cuts and selection criteria as our previous 1D analysis (analysis note), allowing for direct comparisons while showcasing the additional insights gained from the 3D approach.

Preliminary figures for the 200 GeV analysis:

  1. Example correlation function with fit,
  2. Lambda vs mT,
  3. Rout, Rside and Rlong vs mT,
  4. alpha vs mT.

Subsidiary plots :

  1. Chi-square difference Gaussian and Levy
  2. Confidence level
  3. Example correlation function with fit under the assumption of gaussian shape

List of previous PWG presentations:

October, 17th, 2024 (Preliminary Request)
October, 10th, 2024 
September, 26th, 2024 
September, 19th, 2024 
November, 16th, 2023 

List of conference presentations:

WPCF 2023 (invited talk)
Zimányi School 2023 (talk)