Relative Luminosity Studies - V

 This blog is a response to two questions that were asked during the SPIN PWG meeting on 1/13/2011


First I promised to show the ratio of the corrected zdcx to the bbcx as a function of bunch crossing number to show the odd behavior that was occurring near bx = 80. There are four separate plots, one for each of the spin patterns. You can see that oddity around bx=80 in all the plots.




The other study I did was to test Carl's idea for a configuration of the 7 bit patterns into the 3 summed quantities. For completeness here they are again

N_E = {0,0,1}+{0,1,1}+{1,0,1}+{1,1,1}

N_W = {0,1,0}+{0,1,1}+{1,1,0}+{1,1,1}

N_EW = {0,1,1}+{1,1,1}


And the delta-Rs for the BBCX-ZDCE doesn't look as good as the "global sum" method. There is a stronger luminosity dependence in Carl's method than in the global summing method.