Using Alice's Pion Example with the Scheduler

Here is an example of how to run Alice's pion code example with the scheduler.  This also solves the problem of finding the correct files.  If you run her example macro as is, you will find that most of the files she hardcoded in her data09.lis file are not accessable, yeilding many errors from root4star.  So try the following.


1) I assume you've followed Alice's pion code example down to just after the cons command.

2) Make some directory to try this in and cd to this directory (or just stay put and ignore step 3)

3) Make a link to the parent directory for the lib directory which includes Alice's code

ln -s /what/ever/the/path/is/to/.sl53_gcc432 .

4) Make a Sched subdirectory and copy the needed files via the commans

mkdir Sched
cp /afs/* Sched

5) Make a Lists directory and copy the example run list via the commands

mkdir Lists
cp /afs/ Lists

6) Run the scheduler script

Sched/ Lists/a_2009_run.lis Sched/AlicePi0-submit.xml $PWD where/ever/you/have/the/pion/macro/from/alice/located

and obviously change the path "where/ever/you/have/the/pion/macro/from/alice/located" to the actual path of the "runABPi0Maker.C" file.

7) The command is scheduled.  When it is done, your current working directory will have the output, err, and log files, and a subdirectory "data09" with the output of Alice's macro.

Note, the "" shell script is submits a job for every run in the runlist, effectively calling

star-submit-template -template Sched/AlicePi0-submit.xml -entities RUN=$run,OUTPUT_DIR=$PWD,MACRO_DIR=$macro_dir

with the values of run, outputdir and macro_dir being appropriately set.