OCS inventory agent upgrade and encryption notes (2.0.5 to 2.3)

Encryption is enabled with the following line in the /etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-agent.cfg (and of course the crt file has to be present!):

Installation/upgrade outline (linux, based on Sc.Linux/RHEL 6):

prerequisites to install (there are many more, but they are likely already installed if OCS-agent-2.0.5 was previously installed:

  • perl-Data-UUID (from static file, perl-Data-UUID-1.203-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm, which has been added to the sl-star repo)
  • perl-Proc-Daemon (epel), which itself requires perl-Proc-ProcessTable
  • perl-Proc-PID-File (epel)
  • perl-YAML (RHEL6) [not really necessary, but may (slightly) reduce the text generated by CPAN commands]

    [note that the packages above have been added to the ocs_install.cf packages promise on duvall already]
  • run cpan (if it is the first time, there is a configuration step that seems to work fine with the automatic configuration option), then cpan -> install nvidia::ml
    Note that a lot of text is generated in the terminal when running cpan.

put Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.3.tar.gz in /root/Software/OCS/
cd /root/Software/OCS/ ; tar xzf Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.3.tar.gz
perl Makefile.PL
make install #this is interactive...

remove 2.0.5 from /root/Software/OCS:
rm -f /root/Software/ocs-agent-2.0.5.tar.gz
rm -rf /root/Software/Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.0.5
rm -f /root/Software/ocs-expect.sh