starp communication with BNL systems external to starp

This is a roughhewn list of communication between starp and other networks internal to BNL.  Initially, most of it is pulled from the *limited* sFlow sampling available on some starp network switches during the week of Sept. 12, 2016.  Additional items may be added based on other monitoring or known uses.  Yellow highlighted entries are connections known to originate from outside starp.

External System(s) STARP System(s) Explanation/Notes  Online Linux Pool (OLP)  subsystem monitoring generating online web content (writing over NFS)  interactive systems  web browsing  Windows and Linux systems  OCS inventory agent sending data to dean (I don't recall - is this initiated by dean or the agents?)  (mostly) Linux systems  Ganglia gmonds sending data to dean  Linux systems  SKM clients contacting starkeyd  interactive systems  web browsing
 db0{6,7,8} OLP  offline database servers used by jobs running on OLP  various  BNL outbound web proxy server?
 observed this particular pair, but know there are more widely used RCF NX <--> starp everything  not actually seen in sFlow, but of course it is present  Linux systems  Ordo, ITD's Linux/Unix system inventory software  Linux systems  remote syslog
 stargrid0{2,3,4}  OLP  GridFTP transfers initiated on OLP  stargw3  Grid job submission (eg, nightly library tests), not actually seen in sFlow, but known to occur.
 rafs{02,03,21,22,24}  Linux systems  AFS - could easily be more AFS servers/services involved
 stargw{4,5}  inbound SSH connections (not actually seen in sFlow, because stargw machines are connected directly to ITD switch)  Windows systems  Windows Domain Controller (possibly others?)
splunk{2,3,4,6}  Windows systems  Splunk remote logging, possibly other splunk servers are present
 bnl-dns{1,2}  Windows systems  NetBIOS name resolution?  Windows systems  Windows domain stuff?  Windows systems  ITD's internal MS/Windows update server  Windows systems  ?  Windows systems  ITD's TrendMicro server - others?  Windows systems  Landesk
 various ITD backup systems  Various Windows and Linux systems  Legato/Networker and Avamar backup systems  Scientific Linux systems  Scientific Linux repositories  Red Hat servers  Red Hat updates

Miscellaneous notes from sFlow observations

The oddest thing seen (and a little worrisome): talking to (over https, port 443)

There's also a bunch of multicast and network device chatter.