FHC pythia mini_bias simulation study 1

   For the Zoffset of the FHC is 948cm, I studied the events of the Lambda generated in the 2M pythia mini_bias simulation runs. And only through Lambda->n+pi0->n+gamma+gamma decay channel to study the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC and the energy of the two photons deposited in the FMS.

   Fig1, the properties of the Lambda which decaies into neutron and pi0.

   The left pannel is the energy of the Lambda VS the eta of the Lambda when the decay channel of the Lambda is Lambda->n+pi0. The right pannel is the Z decay vertex of the Lambda.

    Fig2, the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC plus the energy of the two photons deposited in the FMS.

   the red line stands for the sum energy is 17 GeV. And the ratio is the number of events above 17 GeV over all the events.

     Fig3, the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC.

     the left pannel is for the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC, the middle pannel is for the the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC when the hadronic shower starts in the FMS, adn the right pannel is for the the energy of the neutron deposited in the FHC when the hadronic shower starts in the FHC.

    Fig4, trigger energy of the FHC when the hadronic shower starts in the FHC.