Detector study 1

 I studied the EEMC tower energy distribution for run08 pp data.

(1) 1M of MB pythia events.

The phi range dividing criteria is the same as in pythia simulation, but the markers of phi are using the value of the center of the towers.
(2) PP data run number 9057004.

The data file I use is:


Fig1, energy distribution of #9057004.

Fig2, multiplicity of towers of #9057004 when the E of tower is larger than 0.5 GeV.

Fig3, multiplicity of towers of #9057004 when the E of tower is larger than 1.0 GeV.

Fig4, multiplicity of towers of #9057004 when the E of tower is larger than 1.5 GeV.

Fig5, energy weighted eta distribution of #9057004 when the summed energy of each part is larger than 1.0 GeV.

(3) PP data run number 9070006.

The data file I use is:


Fig1, energy distribution of #9070006.

Fig2, multiplicity of towers of #9070006 when the E of tower is larger than 0.5 GeV.

Fig3, multiplicity of towers of #9070006 when the E of tower is larger than 1.0 GeV.

Fig4, multiplicity of towers of #9070006 when the E of tower is larger than 1.5 GeV.

Fig5, energy weighted eta distribution of #9070006 when the summed energy of each part is larger than 1.0 GeV.

(4) dAu data run number is 9027072.

The data file I use is:


Fig1, energy distribution of #9027072.

Fig2, multiplicity of towers of #9027072 when the E of tower is larger than 0.5 GeV.

Fig3, multiplicity of towers of #9027072 when the E of tower is larger than 1.0 GeV.

Fig4, multiplicity of towers of #9027072 when the E of tower is larger than 1.5 GeV.

Fig5, energy weighted eta distribution of #9027072 when the summed energy of each part is larger than 1.0 GeV.