Production Priorities

Last updated on March 15, 2020. New list can be found at

1. Data production
(0) Run17 pp510 st_W started 2/28/2020, completed on 3/9/2020, to be QA'ed by Spin/ColdQCD
StiCA for tracking, W-boost for vertexing, keep MuDst on disk
(1) Run18 Isobar pending on final checks and approval before moving to step-2
3rd TPC dE/dx done, TOF cell-by-cell done, 4th TPC dE/dx being planned but won't hold the production
(2) Run17 pp510 st_physics started 3/10/2020, to be QA'ed by Spin/ColdQCD
StiCA for tracking, W-boost for vertexing, produce calibration/jet-Trees/picoDst, Gene/Grigory will follow up with Jae/Matt/Zilong for calibration/jet-tree/picoDst codes
(3) Run19 BES-II: 19.6 COL>14.6 COL>4.59 FXT>7.7 COL&FXT>3.85 FXT>200 COL>7.3FXT>9.2COL, iTPC Z/time misalignment,  TPC space charge, TOF/EPD calibrations
(4) Run05 Cu+Cu: east-west asymmetry in produced data

New request:
HF PWG: Run17 pp510 st_dimuon using SL20a or beyond

2. MuDst to picoDst conversion
(1) Run14 AuAu200 P18ih picoDst w/o HFT started March 1, 2020

(2) Run16 AuAu_200_production_2016 (production 1) P16ij_SL18f reproduction with FMS information
(3) Run17 pp 510 GeV st_mtd impact of N+/N- issue being studied by MTD group
mtdMatch, y2017a, PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:6, PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxSkip
(4) Run14 AuAu 200 GeV st_mtd
NO covariant matrix, mtdMatch, y2014a, PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:3

New request: 
 PWG: Run15 pAu200 st_physics using SL20a or beyond

3. Embedding 
20200201 Spin/ColdQCD: 2015 longitudinal Pythia embedding 40M, needed for DIS2020, reproduce with the lasted DB
20184501 Spin/ColdQCD: 2013 period 2 embedding with SL16g_embed, needed for DIS2020
20192901 JetCorr: large PYTHIA Dijet Run14 MB, needed for HP2020

see for details

Know issues: 

(1) 2015 pp200 data-embedding disagreement in jet neutral energy fraction. under investigation by Jason/Raghav
(2) 2016-2018 data-embedding disagreement in nHit. under investigation by Irakli/Gene