Production priorties


(Weekly update from production team)

1. Data production
BES-II production
Run19 19.6 COL  - done
(2) Run19+20 31.2 FXT (7.7) > Run19 4.59 FXT (3.2)  - done
(3) Run19 200 COL  
- done (Assessing whether a second pass with UPC vertex finder is needed)
(4) Run21 7.7 COL - 
Run20 5.75 FXT (3.5) > (Run19+20) 7.3 FXT (3.9) > Run20 9.8 FXT (4.5) > Run20 13.5 FXT (5.2) > Run20 19.5 FXT (6.2) 
 - done
(6) Run19 14.6 COL
- done > Run20 11.5 COL 
- done > Run20 9.2 COL - done
(7) Run21: 200 GeV O+O (including st_upc) - done  
(8) Reproduction with SL23 (SL23d - updated dE/dx fixing low pT dE/dX) for Run19 19.6 COL - done  
(9) Reproduction with SL23  (SL23d - updated dE/dx, eTOF)Run19 4.59 FXT (3.2), Run20 5.75 FXT (3.5), (Run19+20) 7.3 FXT (3.9), Run20 9.8 FXT (4.5), Run19+20 31.2 FXT (7.7) - done
(10) Run21 17.3 COL - done
(11) Reproduction with SL23 (SL23d - updated dE/dx) for Run19 14.6 COL - done
(12) Run21 200 GeV d+Au (only days 183 - 188) - done
(13) Reproduction with T0 fix for ETOF for Run20 FXT (SL23e) - done for Run20 5.75 FXT (3.5), (Run20) 7.3 FXT (3.9), Run20 9.8 FXT (4.5). 
(14) Reproduction of FXT datasets from Run19+Run20 with SL24a (fix for tracking acceptance issue + ETOF update for status flag and partial readout) - done
(15) Run 22 st_fwd stream (with only the raw data from FCS, sTGC and FST) - done
(16) FXT datasets from Run21 [Run21 3.85 FXT I (3.0) > 3.85 FXT II (3.0) > (Run20+21) 26.5 FXT (7.2) > 44.5 FXT (9.2) > 70 FXT (11.5) > 100 FXT (13.7)] with SL24a (fix for tracking acceptance issue, no ETOF calibration) - done
(17) Reproduction of FXT datasets (Run19 4.59 FXT (3.2), Run20 5.75 FXT (3.5), (Run19+20) 7.3 FXT (3.9), Run20 9.8 FXT (4.5)), Run21 3.85 FXT I (3.0) low luminosity with SL24y - done
(18) Reproduction of BES-II COL 19.6  with SL24y - done

Current Priorities:  Calibration productions for Run22 p+p > Reproduction of O + O > Reproduction of Run21 3.85 FXT I (3.0) > Reproduction of Run19+20 31.2 FXT (7.7) > Run22 p+p (st_W > st_physics, st_fwd - to be done when forward tracking is ready, st_upc - prefers with forward tracking, st_mtd - can be done without forward tracking) > Reproduction of other FXT datasets > Reproduction of BES-II COL datasets

  • Calibration promotion requests for Run22 p+p:
    1) Full sample of st_W without forward tracking in order to take a quick look at data, study detector responses, QA;
    2) 30-40% of st_physics without forward tracking for QA + calibration purposes;
    3) Small (~1 week production time) of st_fwd for QA + HCAL calibration purposes; 

  • Produce st_yellow events along with st_physics stream for Run21 FXT datasets

Run23 priorities: production_AuAu_
2023, production_AuAu_HalfField_2023, production_AuAu_ZeroField_2023.
Interest for 
st_physics, st_forphoto, st_gamma, st_upc, st_upcjet, st_mtd streams. 

Other production

(1) Run17 pp510 st_physics  - done
(2) Run17 pp510 st_rp to apply latest space charge correction - done
(3) Run17 pp510 st_dimuon using SL20a or beyond, requested by HF- 
Isobar st_hf, st_mtd, st_upc - done
(5) Run17 pp510 st_fms to include "pp2pp" option - done

Run12 200 GeV Cu+Au

Run05 Cu+Cu
east-west asymmetry in produced data

2. MuDst to picoDst conversion

(1) pp500_production_2017 st_physicsrequested by HF - done
(2) pp200_production_2012, P12id-MuDst using SL20b or beyond, requested by JetCorr - done
picoDst PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:6, PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxWrite, PicoBEmcSmdMode:PicoBEmcSmdWrite
(3) Run14 AuAu 200 GeV st_physics with HFT, P16id requested by JetCorr - done
mtdMatch y2014a picoDst PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault TpcVpdVzDiffCut:3 PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxWrite
(4) BES-I data  - done

  • AuAu62_production, P10ik
  • AuAu39_production P10ik
  • AuAu27_production_2011 P11id 
  • AuAu19_production P11id
  • AuAu11_production P10ih
  • AuAu7_production P10ih

streams: st_physics, st_ht
Chain option: picoDst PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxDefault PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxWrite PicoBEmcSmdMode:PicoBEmcSmdWrite
(5) UU_production_2012 - done
picoDst PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxDefault PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxWrite PicoBEmcSmdMode:PicoBEmcSmdWrite

(6) Run14 AuAu 200 GeV st_mtd, requested by HF  - done
mtdMatch, y2014a, PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:3, PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxSkip

3. PicoDst restoration (MuDst is specified) (Progress report)

4. Embedding 

  • Embedding priority for library set up: O+O >  FXT datasets >  Run21 d+Au > Run19 200 GeV
  • Embedding production priorities from PWGs as of 03/08/2024 LIST