Production Priorities Fall 2017

Production Priorities - Fall 2017

Proposed production priorities

Past production priorities

PWG Feedback:

Run17 Data Production Priority

PWG p+p 510 GeV Au+Au 54 GeV
BulkCorr   st_physics (MB)
HF st_physics, st_mtd st_physics, st_mtd
LFSUPC st_physics (MB) st_physics (MB), st_mtd
Spin/ColdQCD 1st: st_W, 2nd: st_fms (but need complete pre- 
and post-shower alignment), 3rd: st_physics

Spin/ColdQCD (Carl/Oleg): 1st priority is pp510 st_w data (StiCA and PPV_W for vertexing). Before FMS pre/post-shower alignment is completed: 2nd is pp510 st_physics (StiCA and PPV_W for vertexing), while after pre/post-shower alignment is completed: 2nd is pp510 st_FMS and 3rd is pp510 st_physics. Have interests in st_RP data as well but don't know the status of RP calibration and UPC vertex option.
BulkCorr (Bill/Jiangyong) request full production of Au+Au 54 GeV MB data with FMS before QM18. Would like to know the timeline for the calibration and production readiness, and have a 100M MB data produced with reasonable TPC and FMS calibration asap.
HF (Rongrong/Zhenyu): st_physics and st_MTD for pp510 and AuAu54
JetCorr (Kolja/Li): no additional manpower for Run17 data at the moment
LFSUPC (Chi/David): pp510 MB, AuAu54 MB and MTD

Jerome: AuAu54 calibrations will take at least 1.5 months (+2 weeks due to travel)
Carl/Oleg: StiCA and PPV_W for st_W and st_physics (agree by all PWGs? st_mtd?)

My proposed priority (assuming at least two data production will take place at the same time):
1 pp510 st_W (ready to go if not including MTD)
2 pp510 st_fms (fms gain calibration, pre-/post-shower alignment ~ will take quite a while)
3 AuAu54 st_physics (TPC/EMC/TOF/MTD calibrations >= 2 months)
4 pp510 st_physics (pp MTD calibration ~ 1-2 weeks ?)
5 pp510 st_mtd (pp MTD calibration ~ 1-2 weeks ?)
6 AuAu54 st_mtd (TPC/EMC/TOF/MTD calibration >= 2 months)
7 pp510 st_RP (RP calibration, vertex reconstruction ? )