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DPF2009 draft

Sampling Fraction In The Current BEMC Geometry

This is a quick study to see if the nominal BEMC geometry shows any of the nonlinear behavior exhi

absolute cross section notes 2

Regarding vernier scan data:  Bill has informed me that Angelika is not at BNL.  I have not received the data, but this isn't surprising.

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Papers as Spectra Physics Working Group Convenor (2006 - 2008)

My STAR Talks





Finding dead TPC regions

Dead electronics regions of the TPC need to be known for a couple reasons right now:

Uploading multiple images to Drupal in OS X

 For those using OS X, I've written a tiny little AppleScript program to upload a directory of images into Drupal's Image resource editor using Safari (it could probably be edited to use Firef

Invariant Mass Reconstruction