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Study of ET correction factor

ET Correction Factor


Final Plots

 The following plot is the Average Track pT for the defined Max, Min, and Transverse Regions respectively:



About StLuminosityMaker:

2006 Transverse pT Shifts


Note: I am using an older transverse data run list for the comparison plots shown below, not Murad's final list.

Effect of StMCAsymMaker Fix


test entry

test content:

  • ddd
  • ddd
  • ddd
  • ddd
  • ....


Spin DB bxing offset for R7134010

The 48 bit and 7 bit bxing numbers for R7134010 do not agree:

ssd simulator : bug fix for geometry

Explanation of the commit to StSsdDbMaker 

in SL07d (as well as for SL08c), wrong geometry is loaded for plain simulation.

Femtoscopy in elementary collisions (compilation of results)


BTOW TP mapping in 2D, by Pibero

 Hi Jan,

Here is the mapping I'm using:

void jan()
 int patchMap[10][30];