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L2 time dependent configuration

This page summarizes the time-dependent L2 configuration in 2006.

Shower Shape Analysis (MMM)

    Another simple algorithm would be to calculate the distance between the highest energy strip and the mean of the distribution (from here I'll refer to this as MMM for "mode min

L2gamma2008 notes

L2gamma2008 trigger strawman


Shower Shape Analysis (f)

    Our second attempt at utilizing the SMD information for direct photon/background discrimination this time using the popular variable

Shower Shape Analysis (Kurtosis)


test blog entry1

Test Blog Jan

Single-Spin Asymmetries by BBC timebin

This is a study of 2005 data conducted in May 2006.  Ported to Drupal from MIT Athena in October 2007

Hi jetters. Mike asked me to plot the charged track / pion asymmetries in a little more detail. The structure is the same as before; each column is a trigger, and the four rows are pi+/Yellow, pi+/Blue, pi-/Yellow, pi-/Blue. I've split up the high pt pion sample (2< pT < 12 GeV) and plotted single-spin asymmetries for timebins 7,8, and 9 separately versus pT and phi.  The plots and summaries are linked at the bottom of the page.

2 sigma effects are highlighted in yellow, 3 sigma in red. There are no 3 sigma asymmetries in the separate samples, although pi-/B/JP1 is 3 sigma above zero in the combined sample. Here's a table of all effects over 2 sigma:

B +2.07
9 - JP1 B +2.45
7-9 - JP1 B +3.15

If you compare these results with the ones I had posted back in March (First Look at Single-spin Asymmetries), you'll notice the asymmetries have moved around a bit for the combined sample. The dominant effect there was the restriction to the new version of Jim's golden run list. The list I had been using before had at least two runs with spotty timebin info for board 5; see e.g.,

and ensuing discussion. I'm in the process of plotting asymmetries for charged track below 2 GeV in 200 MeV pT bins and will post those results here when I have them.

First Look at Single-spin Asymmetries

This is a study of 2005 data conducted in March 2006.  Ported to Drupal from MIT Athena in October 2007


Single-spin asymmetries for blue and yellow beams are calculated for each fill and sorted by particle charge and trigger ID. Each plot includes a legend that lists the value I calculate for the asymmetry when I integrate over pt bins. I fit each plot with a straight line and include the values of the fit parameters. The first page of the PDF is integrated over all data, and then fill-by-fill plots are available on subsequent pages. The basic structure of the PDF is as follows: each page contains all the plots for a given fill. Trigger IDs are constant for each column (mb,ht1,ht2,jp1,jp2). The top two rows are yellow and blue beam asymmetries for positively charged hadrons; the bottom two rows are the same plots for q=-1. This gives a total of twenty single-spin asymmetries for each fill.

I also increment 20 separate histograms with (asymmetry/error) for each fill and then fit the resulting distribution with a Gaussian. Ideally the mean of this Gaussian should be centered at zero and the width should be exactly 1. The results are in  asymSummaryPlot.pdf 

Finally, a summary of single-spin asymmetries integrated over all data. 2-sigma effects are highlighted in bold:

+ MB HT1 HT2 JP1 JP2
Y 0.0691 +/- 0.0775 0.0069 +/- 0.0092 -0.0038 +/- 0.0126 0.0086 +/- 0.0104 0.0116 +/- 0.0069
B -0.0809 +/- 0.0777 -0.0019 +/- 0.0092 -0.0218 +/- 0.0126 0.0067 +/- 0.0104 -0.0076 +/- 0.0069

- MB HT1 HT2 JP1 JP2
Y -0.0206 +/- 0.0767 -0.0193 +/- 0.0092 -0.0158 +/- 0.0130 -0.0035 +/- 0.0101 0.0061 +/- 0.0070
B 0.0034 +/- 0.0769 -0.0021 +/- 0.0092 0.0006 +/- 0.0130 -0.0164 +/-0.0101 -0.0147 +/- 0.0070

: The jet group sees significant nonzero single-spin asymmetries in Yellow JP2 (2.5 sigma) and Blue JP1 (4 sigma). I do not see these effects in my analysis. I do see a handful of 1 sigma effects and two asymmetries for negatively charged hadrons that just break 2 sigma, but in general these numbers are consistent with zero. I also do not see any significant dependence on track phi.

BBC Vertex

This is a study of 2005 data conducted in March 2006.  Ported to Drupal from MIT Athena in October 2007

Goal: Quantify the relationship between the z-vertex position and the bbc timebin for each event.

Procedure: Plot z-vertex as a function of trigger and bbc timebin. Also, plot distributions of bbc timebins for each run to examine stability. Exclude runs<=6119039 as a result. Fit each vertex distribution with a gaussian and extract mean, sigma.  Plots are linked at the bottom of the page.  See in particular page 8 of run_plots.pdf, which shows the change from 8 bit to 4 bit onlineTimeDifference values.

Timebin 12 had zero counts for each trigger. Summaries of the means and sigmas:

m 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
mb 101.7 124.1 56.3 22.72 -7.835 -38.89 -80.48 -135.6 -
ht1 81.09 111.8 50.75 16.88 -13.49 -44.57 -89.36 -182.8 -
ht2 79.86 107.2 48.93 15.76 -14.27 -45.17 -89.76 -176.7 -
jp1 101.3 139.3 54.8 17.68 -12.95 -44.05 -92.4 -176 -
jp2 99.49 128.5 51.58 15.77 -14.29 -45.5 -94.1 -192.2 -


s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
mb 68.85 67.48 40.4 34.26 33.31 35.91 49.32 76.29 -
ht1 68.99 70.9 43.06 34.71 32.49 34.86 47.42 79.98 -
ht2 67.64 70.13 43.06 34.76 32.55 34.98 47.26 78.22 -
jp1 76.49 79.85 45.44 35.6 32.56 35.34 49.69 78.1 -
jp2 76.18 78.01 45.73 35.79 32.87 35.68 49.37 81.21 -

: Hank started the timebin lookup table on day 119, so this explains the continuous distributions from earlier runs. In theory one could just use integer division by 32 to get binned results before this date, but it would be good to make sure that no other changes were made; e.g., it looks like the distributions are also tighter before day 119.  Examining the vertex distributions of the different timebins suggests that using timebins {6,7,8,9} corresponds roughly to a 60 cm vertex cut. A given timebin in this range has a resolution of 30-45 cm.