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QM2023 - Cold QCD PWG

 QM2023 Abstracts from Cold QCD PWG:

1. Longitudinal program:

FST Operation Log - Mid April 2023

April 18 - May 09 2023 Log

 April 17 2023

Poster Abstract QM 2023 Submission Mathias Labonte

 Please find attached my submission for Quark Matter 2023 poster.

Poster Abstract QM 2023 Submission Mathias Labonte

 Please find attached my submission for Quark Matter 2023 poster.

QM2023 talk proposal

ATHIC2023 plots

 h4l_fig3b_revised.pdf : new measurements from other experiments
s34_y_3gev.pdf : new theoretical calculation from Xionghong 

Probing novel baryonic spin Hall effect via measurement of local spin polarization of Λ hyperons in STAR Beam Energy Scan


Probing novel baryonic spin Hall effect via measurement of local spin polarization of Λ hyperons in STAR Beam Energy Scan



