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Slides for GPC - follow-up Octo2022

Collaboration Review - First Observation of Directed Flow of Hyper-nuclei H3L and H4L in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

"HyperNucleiFlow_PaperDraft_v2.pdf" is the original paper draft.

Extraction of CMW fraction with event shape engineering in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV


Very low pT electron : Embedding vs real data


Positron embedding vs real data


Additional Preliminary Plots for DNP Fall 2022

 Added ZrZr Isobar R variable ESE results
* these have been removed based on comments at the last fcv meeting

Measurement of energy- and system-size dependence of transverse momentum fluctuations

FCV  PWG meeting 

DNP Oct 2022

Analysis note for 3 GeV v3 paper on Models


Analysis note for 3 GeV v3 paper on Models