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Initial SpaceCharge for Run 24 pp200


I processed data from these runs during the early days of acquiring pp200 data, while it was still considered low luminosity, using this chain:



Observation of the Electromagnetic Effect & System Size dependence via charge-dependent directed flow in U+U Collisions

Observation of the Electromagnetic Effect & System Size dependence via charge-dependent directed flow in U+U Collisions

Observation of the Electromagnetic Effect & System Size dependence via charge-dependent directed flow in U+U Collisions

crosscheck BES-II plots


run12 pp200 Trigger promotion data/simulation ratio puzzle


Channel/tiles observation

Here I will post my daily observations of the tiles with some comments. The summary is on :

Preliminary Request for 3.2 GeV FXT


TAC offsets - Run 2024

I am following Rosi's excellent instructions, with modifications for four crates.