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proton_lambda correlation function


dN/deta for BES-I

 Mid-rapidity dN/deta values (charged particles kaon, pion, proton and anti-protonfor sqrt(s_NN) = 7.

dN/deta for BES-I

 Mid-rapidity dN/deta values (charged particles kaon, pion, proton and anti-protonfor sqrt(s_NN) = 7.

Lambda-p Reaction Plane Dependent Delta Gamma and Two Particle Correlations from Au+Au Collisions at 27GeV


Update on Lambda-p Reaction Plane Dependent Delta Gamma and Two Particle Correlations from Au+Au Collisions at 27GeV


EPD Install Run 22

Executive Summary

Response of institutional review for GPC316


BES-II 19.6 nSigmaP shift


Isobar analysis

iTPC -- TPC QA run22

Run 22 ended on April 18.

At the end there was 205 masked out FEEs in the iTPC. this is about 18%
See attached plots.