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phi-meson global spin alignment kaon and phi distributions

These are the results and comparisons for raw data and simulated reconstructed particles.

We are focusing on 19.6 GeV Au+Au collisions in BES-II with centrality 20-60%.

Run 22 Data Production Request

I would like to request a production of Run 22 data with the details as below.

Residuals in Run 20 FXT

I found a single DAQ file from Run 20 FXT already on disk and used it to generate TPC residuals via StiPulls using the commands listed further down this page.

energy dependence of pT correlators 3


Proton Purity Results at FXT Energies - Part 2

Vped scan vol 1 2024

 I ran the vped scan with local clock:

based on

Collaboration Meeting Talk: Update and Planning


Changed channels and 7 Pattern final? (vol1)

We have 4 dead guys: W PP6TT1, E PP9TT15, W PP2TT10, E PP1TT31

Temperatures and dark currents in the EPD

Executive summary:  There is a significant correlation between higher SiPM dark currents in groups of tiles, and the temperature readings on the corresponding FEEs.  The tem

FST Meeting on 04/08/2024

 Start: 2024-04-08 11:00 am

Timezone: America/New York
Meeting Agenda:
1. Xu Sun: FST NIM Status