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Jet v2 Isobars

There seem to be 148973 files.
Yang He states that there are:
1430 run numbers with 636M events with trigger Ids: 600001, 600011, 600021,600031

INT workshop


HF PWG QA for 19.6 GeV (SL21cB, SL21c,TFG21j)


HF PWG QA for 19.6 GeV (SL21cB, SL21c,TFG21j)


Jet-corr August 19, 2021 - Embedding correction update

italic and roman fonts for symbols in scientific text (IUPAC)


analysis note for H3L and H4L directed flow v1 at 3 GeV

Problems with dE/dx pulls in P21ib_calib2 and P21ic production


Weekly Meeting (Aug 17th, 2021)

 - Xiaoxuan: dAu dipi0 update
 - Latif: EM-jet A_N Update 
 - Minghui: re-run QA with LgBS3 trigger
 - William: FPS and FPOST QA Update

Presentations: Lambda Polarization at 19.6 GeV