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nsigmaE distribution at special P, Eta Bin (AuAu14.6GeV)




TbyT analysis of 7p3GeV_fixedTarget_2020 file reconstructed with SL21d and SL23e

  The Track by Track analysis

nσe distribution for Au+Au 14.6, 17.3, 19.6 GeV


nσe distribution for Au+Au 14.6, 17.3, 19.6 GeV




AuAu200GeV_2019 dE/dx recalibration with new model has finished

     The recalibration of AuAu200GeV_2019 P23ie_calib sample has been done.

Collaboration meeting 2022


Collaboration Meeting 2023


Preliminary_request_run17 EM-Jet AN