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Proceedings on Central Exclusive Production (DIffraction 2016)


Kielce 2016 v3

Kielce 2016 v3




NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/11/1

1) HIJING QA by Kunsu


2021-03-08: You do not have access to view this node (STAR Collaboration Meeting)
2021-02-26: Padrow 13 and Padrow 40 static distortions (TPC Documentation)
2021-02-03: You do not have access to view this node (S&C Meeting)

Running the Jet Code

The objective of this blog is to document and describe how to perform/run the inclusive and dijet cross-section code in the STAR Framework.

HLT weekly meeting_20161101


Aug 2016 collaboration meeting (osu)

This is very late but I wanted a blog post for the two talks I gave here (

PID specra for pion at pT>2GeV on Oct. 31th