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My proposed Map for the FPOST detector

The attached PDF is my proposed map for the FPOST detector in STAR

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/10/25

1) NPE updates by Kunsu
slide 4: overlay data gRefMult with simulation

sPHENIX performance study based on Fast Simulation


Kielce 2016 v2

Kielce 2016 v2

Compare cpu per event for gcc 4.8.2, 4.9.2, 5.2.1 and icc 17.0.0 compilers for 2013 pp510 W sample on HLT farm

After merging online and offline CA codes and switching to Vc version 1.2 

FPost mapping suggestion

Run13 EEMC MIP Calibration Summary


L0trg Monitoring Documents

 Here is a doucment for the level 0 online trigger monitoring.

iTPC prototype test - first results with Fe55

 Add wire scan on Oct. 31.

e+ e- with HFT in run 14