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Kielce 2016 v1

Kielce 2016 v1

LED batch comparison


LED batch comparison


dE/dx calibration 2016 AuAu200 & dAu200.

 The test jobs in dev with dE/dx calibration from MySQL (10/15/2016) have been completed. 

W Endcap P1 using STI


Run15 FMS QA (1)

- Slide written in last week (Oct. 14)
- Small progress made in this week: variables vs. Run 2D plotting code is done

FPost assembly (3)

HF-PWG minutes 2016/10/20

 1) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzeski

Nuclear Science Division Directors Review in Oct. 26-28, 2016.


Track pT Cut Update