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DNP 2016 STAR W AL Presentation

STAR Recent results ICPPA2016 talk

 Talk 25+5 plenary talk in Heavy ion session

List of modications due to dN/dx method

  Hello, just for record this is the list of modification associated with dN/dx method.

run12 pp200 jet energy correction


Run 13 EEMC calibration

FMS Radiation Damage Simulations

 This entry gives a look at the first stages of modeling radiation damage in geant. It assumes damage is based on energy deposition, and fits to a guassian shape.

HF-PWG minutes 2016/10/06

1. Combined Upsilon analysis - Shuai Yang

Oct 8 - Z Miller Group Update


FPost assembly (2)

Intermediate report at Oct. 6 (2016)

FPost assembly (1)

Intermediate report at Sep. 30 (2016)