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J/Psi kinematics (200/500 GeV in FMS)

Kinematics of J/Psi->e+e in the FMS acceptance from PYTHIA simulation.

pythia6->SetMSUB( 86, 1 ); // g+g->J/Psi+g

New offline database table: beamOrbitInfo

New offline database table: beamOrbitInfo
Database: RunLog_onl


FCal at jetcor

The status of analysis, "pi, K, p pT spectra with the HFT in AuAu 200 GeV"

Upsal Polarization WWND2016 proceedings

Proceedings for my WWND2016 talk on global Lambda polarization.

Conference Talks : RHIC/AGS 2016


HF-PWG minutes 2016/06/02

 1) Jpsi cross section and event acitivey in Run12 pp 200

The update of global alignment in Run15 and Run16

It is found that there is finite shift in global alignment in Run16 while IST is not moved from Run15.

"Minbias" comparisons in d+Au 20 GeV

Here I compare the refmult distributions for fast offline from 3 triggers:
550007:  zdce_TOF0
550011: bbc_tac_TOF0
550018: bbc_tac_TOF0_hlt

About higher Pt J/psi in Run 12 FMS

 I have been thinking about how we don't see many J/psi events in new FMS data and wondered if we could find them in older 500 GeV data from Run 12.