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Raw Rho00 Yield and Inv Mass Check


Raw Rho00 Yield and Inv Mass Check


Preliminary Figures of Measurement of Charge Correlator Ratio in pp

QM 2023 poster


Preliminary figure for K+K+ femtoscopy at 3.2~3.9 GeV



Preliminary figure for K0s-K0s femtoscopy at 3.0~4.5 GeV


FXT energy dependence H3L yields preliminary

Summary of H3L dN/dy vs y/ybeam in 3, 3.2, 3.9, 4.5 GeV

H3L dN/dy vs energy: 

H3L FXT 3.5 GeV Preliminary request


QM23 poster

Poster to be presented at the QM23 conference in Houston, TX.


  • fit plots used will be changed, work ongoing