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SPIN 2014 Proceedings

 Here is my SPIN 2014 Proceedings, "Gluon Polarization in Longitudinally Polarized pp collisions at STAR". The currrent version is "v2_3".

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Revisiting Trigger Bias (part III)

Based upon my previous study, Renee has suggested a way to use the embedding studi

Run13 period 2 W embedding: test sample QA


FMS Replacement Boards Outline

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

41 more bases needed

PMT Base Repair

Run 13 MC simulation

To get things moving forward on the run run 13 analysis, I've been playing around with the simulation code, trying to produce events as a first step towards an embedding request.

2012 - Inclusive Jet Analysis - Plots

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Revisiting Trigger Bias (part II)

Another check for trigger bias is to use simulation. With the small sample of embedding for 2011 it is probably not possible to extract meaningful bias information in great detail.

Run14 BEMC Tower Id Swaps

Signal cables were swapped for run14. There were the following PMT box swaps:


The new maps are attached here.

Period 2 Event QA

 I've completed the QA for period 2.  This covers 760 runs from day 129 to day 161.  My goal was to remove runs in order to make the jet tree productions as quick as possible.