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Study of triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies at RHIC-STAR

This page contains the preliminary approval requested plots and (preliminary request) presentation  for the triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nucle

Preliminary Requests for Lambda-p Reaction Plane Dependent Delta Gamma from Au+Au Collisions at 19.6, 27GeV


Preliminary Requests for Lambda-p Reaction Plane Dependent Delta Gamma from Au+Au Collisions at 19.6, 27GeV


STAR preliminary plots HSL



Event-by-Event T0 in Run 21 FXT

This is a calibration of my event-by-event T0 correction method for Run 21 FXT data due to when a collision occurs within a bunch crossing (primarily an issue for long bunches, as is the case in fixed

FXT 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 GeV p-Xi correlation analysis.


psi(2S) analysis




HP PWG Update 8/10/23