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Position of BHT3 background rates (in eta phi)

The question was raised, whether there was a particular region in eta-phi that has background.

Comparison of 2009 BSMDE Slopes Eta Dependence to Database Absolute Gains

Because there is no 2009 absolute BSMD calibration yet, we have to be careful about making comparisons between the results of the 2009 BSMD relative gains analysis and the current default gains in

Ws at STAR Run 9 - comparison different algos

Fig 1. Comparison of events passing W-algo.
Left: Jan ver B4.2.2 , full stats, includes Endcap away-cone veto.
Right: Joe, S4.19 almost full stats.

Run9 W Presentation

See attachment.

partial barrel vernier scan and task list

 In the past I've shown plots showing a fairly large background in the BHT3 event rate, and at the last meeting I showed how clean and clear the vernier scan for the BBC was.

Quick Shower Shape Study

Below are a few quick studies showing the robustness of the Bayesian model comparison approach to shower shape analysis.

covariance matrix

covariance matrices

 p0 sin + p1 cos + p2 sin^3

west blue, fill 10368

 8.17e-06  4.60e-08  -1.02e-05

Run9 500 GeV BTOW Relative Gains

The relative gains for the BTOW in the run9 500 GeV running were calculated using "Scott's Method" based on the slopes of the ADC spectra.

2009 Spin QA: 500GeV Part II

2009 Spin QA: 500GeV Part II


Ws at STAR Run 9 - algo ver 4.2

Last week  results of W-algo (ver 4.1) from Run 9 data have been presented to spin PWG. Since then one error has been fixed and W-algo was  improved.