A selection of tips on how to log to the RCF
facility. We hope to augment those pages and add
information as user request or need.
First of all, if you are a new user, WELCOME to the RHIC/STAR collaboration and experiment. STAR is located at Brookhaven National Laboratory and is one of the premier particle detectors in the world.
As a (new) STAR user, you will need to be granted access to our BNL Tier0 computing facility in order to have access to the offline and online infrastructure and resources. This includes accessing BNL from remote or directly while visiting us on site. Access includes access to data, experiment, mailing lists, desktop computer for visitors to name only those. As a National Facility under the Department of Energy (DOE) regulations, a few steps are required for this to happen. Please, follow them precisely and make sure you understand their relevance.
The DOE requires proper credentials for anyone accessing a computing "resource" and expect such individual to keep credentials up-to-date i.e. in good standing. It is YOUR responsibility to keep valid credentials with Brookhaven National Laboratory's offices. Credentials include: being a valid and active STAR member, having a valid and active guest/user ID and appointment, having and keeping proper trainings. Any missing component would cause an immediate closure of access to computing resources.
In many cases, we rely on account name matching the one created at the RCF (for example, Hypernews or Drupal accounts need exact match to be approved) - this is enforced so we can accurately rely on the work already done by the RCF personnel and only base our automation on "RCF account exist and is active". The RCF personnel work with the user's office and other agencies to verify your credentials.
If you were a STAR user before and seek to re-activate your account, this page also has information for you.
The instructions here are for users who have an account at the RCF but have unfortunately let their BNL appointment expire or do not know how to access their (old) account.
First of all, please be sure you understand the requirements and rationals explained in Getting a computer account in STAR.
As soon as your appointment with BNL ends or expires, all access to BNL computing resources are closed / suspended and before re-establishing it, you MUST renew your appointment first. In such case, we will not provide you with any access which may include access to Drupal (personal account) and mailing lists.
The simplest way to proceed is to
If your appointment has expired, you will need to renew it. Please, follow the instructions available here.
If your account is valid, so is your appointment but you have not logged in the facility for a while and hence, are unable to upload your SSH keys (as described in SSH Keys and login to the SDCC and related documents) this may be for you.
You cannot access the upload page unless you have a valid password as the access to the RCF requires a double authentication scheme (Kerberos password + SSH key). In case you have forgotten your password, you have first to send an Email to the RCF at RT-RACF-UserAccounts@bnl.gov asking to reset your password, then thereafter go to the SSH key upload interface and proceed.
This page describes how you can obtain the access to the STAR drupal pages. Please understand that your Drupal access is now tight to a valid SDCC login - no SDCC account, no access to Drupal. This is because we integrated Drupal login to the common infrastructure (the login is Kerberos based). Here are the steps to gain access then:
What you find below is especially useful for those of you that work on several machines and platforms in and out of BNL and need to use ssh key pairs to get into SDCC.
The findings on this web page are a combined effort of Jérôme Lauret, Jim Thomas, and Thomas Ullrich. All typos and mistakes on this page are my doing. I am also not going to discuss the wisdom of having to move private keys around - all I want to do is get things done.
The whole problem arises from the fact that there are 3 different formats to store ssh key-pairs and all are not compatible:
Despite all claims, OpenSSH cannot export private keys into ssh.com format, nor can it import ssh.com private keys. Public keys seem to work but this is not what we want. So here is how it goes:
% chomod 600 rsa_openssh
% ssh-keygen -y -f rsa_openssh > rsa_openssh.pub
% mv rsa_openssh ~/.ssh/id_rsaAll done. Note that there is no need to put your key files on every machine to which you are going to connect. In fact, you should keep your private key file in as few places as possible -- just the source machine(s) from which you will initiate SSH connections. Your public key file is indeed safe to share with the public, so you need not be so careful with it and in fact will have to provide it to remote systems (such in the next section) in order to use your keys at all.% mv rsa_openssh.pub ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Note that forcing MD5 hash is important (default hash is SHA256 the RACF interface will not take). All done.
If you followed all instructions you now have 3 key pairs (files). This covers essentially all SSH implementations there are. Where ever you go, whatever machine and system you deal with, one key pair will work. Keep them all in a very save place.
You need to upload your SSH keys only once. But after your first upload, please wait a while (30 mnts) before connecting to the SDCC SSH Gatekeepers. Basic connection instructions, use:
% ssh -AX xxx@sssh.sdcc.bnl.gov % rterm
The rterm command will open an X-terminal on a valid STAR interactive node. If you do NOT have an X11 server running on your computer, you could use the -i options of rterm for interactive (non X-term based) session.
If you intend to logon to our online enclave, please check the instructions on You do not have access to view this node to request an account on the STAR SSH gateways and Linux pool (and upload your keys to the STAR Key SSH Management system). Note that you cannot upload your keys anywhere without a Kerberos password (both the SDCC and STAR's interface will require a real account kerberos password to log in). Logging in to the Online enclave involves the following ssh connection:
% ssh -AX xxx@cssh.sdcc.bnl.gov % ssh -AX xxx@stargw.starp.bnl.gov
A first thing to see is that SDCC gatekeeper is here "cssh" as the network is spearated into a "campus" side (cssh) and a ScienceZone side (sssh). For convenience, we have asked Cyber security to allow connections from "sssh" to our online enclave as well (so if you use sssh all the time, it will work).
For the requested an account online ... note that users do not request access to the individual stargw machines directly. Instead, a shared user database is kept on onlcs.starp.bnl.gov - approval for access to onlcs grants access to the stargw machines and the Online Linux Pool. Such access is typically requested on the user's behalf when the user requests access to the online resources following the instructions at You do not have access to view this node, though users may also initiate the request themselves.
Logging in to the stargw machines is most conveniently done Using the SSH Agent, and is generally done through the SDCC's SSSH gateways. This additional step of starting an agent would be removed whenever we will be able to directly access the STAR SSH GW (as per 2009, this is not yet possible due to technical details).
To learn more, see:
Please note that if you remote account name is different from your RCF account name, you will need to use
% ssh -X username@rssh.rhic.bnl.gov
specifying explicitly username rather as the form
% ssh -X rssh.rhic.bnl.gov
will assume a username defaulting to your local machine (remote from the BNL ssh-daemon stand point) user name where you issue the ssh command. This has been a source of confusion for a few users. The first form by the way is preferred as always work and removes all ambiguities.
-X is used to automatically set the display environment to a secure channel (also called untrusted X11 forwarding) . In other words, it enables X11 forwarding without having to grant remote applications the right to manipulate your Xserver parameters. If you want ssh client to always act like with X11 forwarding, have the following line added in your /etc/ssh/ssh_config (or any /etc/ssh*/ssh*_config ).
ForwardX11 yes
-Y enables trusted X11 forwarding. So, what does trusted mean? It means that the X-client will be allowed to gain full access to your Xserver, including changing X11 properties (i.e. attributes and values which alters the look and feel of opened X windows or things such as mouse controls and position info, keyboard input reading and so on). Starting with OpenSSH 3.8, you will need to set
ForwardX11Trusted yes
in the client configuration to allow remote nodes full access to your Xserver as it is NOT enabled by default.
When to use trusted, when to use untrusted
Recent OpenSSH version supports both untrusted (-X) and trusted (-Y) X11 Forwarding. As hinted above, the difference is what level of permissions the client application has on the Xserver running on the client machine. Untrusted (-X) X11 Forwarding is more secure, but unfortunately several applications (especially older X-based applications) do not support running with less privileges and will eventually die and/or crash your entire Xserver session.
Dilema? A rule of thumb is that while using trusted (-Y) X11 Forwarding will have less applications problems for the near future, try first the most secured untrusted (-X) way and see what happens. If remote X applications fail with a errorssimilar to the below:
X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 (X_ChangeProperty) Atom id in failed request: 0x114 Serial number of failed request: 370 Current serial number in output stream: 372
you will have to use the trusted (-Y) connection.
Instead of a system global configuration which will require your system administrator's assistance, you may create a config file in your user’s home directory (client side) under the .ssh directory with the following line $HOME/.ssh/config
ForwardX11Trusted yes
Host *.edu ForwardX11 no User jlauret Host *.starp.bnl.gov ForwardX11 yes Cipher blowfish User jeromel Host orion.star.bnl.gov ForwardAgent yes Cipher 3des ForwardX11Trusted yes Host what.is.this User exampleoptions ServerAliveInternal=900 Port 666 Compression yes PasswordAuthentication no KeepAlive yes ForwardAgent yes ForwardX11 yes RhostsAuthentication no RhostsRSAAuthentication no RSAAuthentication yes TISAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no FallBackToRsh no UseRsh no
As a side note, 3des is more secure thank blowfish but also 3x slower. If speed and security is important, use at least aes cypher.
OK, now you are logged to the facility gatekeeper but any sub-sequent login would ask for your password again (and this would defeat security). But you can cure this problem by, on the gatekeeper, issue the following command (we assume $user is your user name)
% kinit -5 -d -l 7d $user
-l 7d is used to provide a long life K5 ticket (7 days long credentials). Note that you should afterward be granted an AFS token automatically upon login to the worker nodes on the facility. From the gatekeeper, the command
% rterm
would open a terminal from the least loaded node on the cluster where you are allowed to log.
Due to policy regulations, group or generic accounts login cannot be allowed at the facility unless the login is traceable to an individual. The way to log in is therefore to
This section is about standing on one foot, tapping on to of your head and chanting a mantra unless the moon is full (in such case, the procedure involves parsley and sacrificial offerings). OK, we are in the realm of the very very special tricks for very very special nodes:
Valid starting Expires Service principal 12/26/06 10:59:28 12/31/06 10:59:28 krbtgt/RHIC.BNL.GOV@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 10:59:30 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/rcas6005.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 11:11:48 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/rplay43.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 17:51:05 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/stargrid02.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 18:34:03 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/stargrid01.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 18:34:22 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/stargrid03.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/28/06 17:53:29 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/rcas6011.rcf.bnl.gov@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25
The ssh-agent is a program you may use together with OpenSSH or similar ssh programs. The ssh-agent provides a secure way of storing the passphrase of the private key.
One advantage and common use of the agent is to use the agent forwarding. Agent forwarding allows you to open ssh sessions without having to repeatedly type your passphrase as you make multiple SSH hops. Below, we provide instructions on starting the agent, loading your keys and how to use key forwarding.
The ssh-agent is started as follow.
% ssh-agent
Note however that the agent will immediately display information such as the one below
% ssh-agent SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-fxDmNwelBA/agent.5884; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK; SSH_AGENT_PID=3520; export SSH_AGENT_PID; echo Agent pid 3520;
It may not be immediately obvious to you but you actually MUST type those commands on the command line for the next steps to be effective.
Here is what I usually do: redirect the message to a file and source it from the shell like this:
% ssh-agent >agent.sh
% source agent.sh
The commands above will create a script containing the necessary shell commands, then the source command will load the information into your shell. This assumes you are using sh. For csh, you need use the setenv shell command to define both SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID. A simpler approach may however be to use
% ssh-agent csh
The command above will start a new shell, in which the necessary environment variables will be defined in the newly started shell (no sourcing needed).
Yet another method to start an agent and set the environment variables in tcsh or bash (and probably other shells) is this:
% eval `ssh-agent`
Now that you've started an agent and set the environment variables to use it, the next step is to load your SSH key.
The agent alone is not very useful until you've actually put keys into it. All your agent key management is handled by the ssh-add
command. If you run it without arguments, it will add any of the 'standard' keys $HOME/.ssh/identity
, $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
, and $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa
To be sure the agent has not loaded any id yet, you may use the -l option with ssh-add. Here's what you should see if you have not loaded a key:
% ssh-add -l The agent has no identities.
To load your key, simply type
% ssh-add Enter passphrase for /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa: Identity added: /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa)
To very if all is fine, you may use again the ssh-add command with the -l option. The result should be different now and similar to the below (if not, something went wrong).
% ssh-add -l 1024 34:a0:3f:56:6d:a2:02:d1:c5:23:2e:a0:27:16:3d:e5 /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
Is so, all is fine.
Two conditions need to be present for agent forwarding to function:
Usage is simply
% ssh -A user@remotehost
And that is all. For every hop, you need to use the -A option to have the key forwarded throughout the chain of ssh logins. Ideally, you may want to use -AX (where "X" enabled X11 agent forwarding).
The ssh-agent
creates a unix domain socket, and then listens for connections from /usr/bin/ssh
on this socket. It relies on simple unix permissions to prevent access to this socket, which means that any keys you put into your agent are available to anyone who can connect to this socket. BE AWARE that root especially has acess to any file hence any sockets and as a consequence, may acquire access to your remote system whenever you use an agent.
Manpages indicates you may use the -c of ssh-add and this indeed adds one more level of safety to the agent mechanism (the agent will aks for the passphrase confirmation at each new session). However, if root has its mind on stealing a session, you are set for a lost battle from the start so do not feel over-confident of this option.
Help pages below links to the OpenSSH implementation of the ssh client/server and other ssh related documentation from our site.
PuTTY to connect to gateway (from a home connection), you have to
set a session, be sure to enable SSH
go to the 'Connection' menu and have the following options box checked
Disable Nagle's algorithm (TCP_NODELAY option)
Enable TCP keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE option)
Furthermore, in 'Connection' -> 'SSH' -> 'Tunnels' enable the option
Enable X11 forwarding
Enable MIT-Magic-Cookie-1
Save the session
Documentation on those features (explanation for the interested) are added at the end of this document.
SSH users and owner of their system could first of all be sure to manipulate the SSH client configuration file and be sure settings are turned on by default. The client configuration is likely located as /etc/ssh_config or /usr/local/etc/ssh_config depending on where you have ssh installed.
But if you do NOT have access to the configuration file, the client can nonetheless pass on options from the command line. Those options would have the same name as they would appear in the config file.
Especially, KEEP_ALIVE is controlled via the SSH configuration option TCPKeepAlive.
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes
You will note in the next section that a spoofing issue exists with keep alive (I know it works well, but please consider the ServerAliveCountMax mechanism) so, you may use instead
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15
Note that the value 15 in our example is purely empirical. There are NO magic values and you need to test your connection and detect when (after what time) you get kicked out and disconnected and set the parameters from your client accordingly. Let's explain the default first and come back to this and a rule of thumb.
There are two relevant parameters (in addition of TCPKeepAlive):
Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the server, ssh will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the server. The default is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the server.
This option applies to protocol version 2 only.
Sets the number of server alive messages (see above) which may be sent without ssh receiving any messages back from the server. If this threshold is reached while server alive messages are being sent, ssh will disconnect from the server, terminating the session. It is important to note that the use of server alive messages is very different from TCPKeepAlive (below). The server alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and therefore will not be spoofable. The TCP keepalive option enabled by TCPKeepAlive is spoofable. The server alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become inactive.
The default value is 3. If, for example, ServerAliveInterval (above) is set to 15, and ServerAliveCountMax is left at the default, if the server becomes unresponsive ssh will disconnect after approximately 45 seconds.
In our example
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15
The recipe should be: if you get disconnected after N seconds, play with the above and be sure to set a
time of ServerAliveInterval*ServerAliveCountMax <= 0.8*N, N being the timeout. Since ServerAliveCountMax is typically not modified, in our example we assume the default value of 3 and therefore a a 3x15 = 45 seconds (and we guessed a disconnect every minute or so). If you set the value too low, the client will send to much "chatting" to the server and there will be a traffic impact.
This was written based on this article.
RPC implementations on TCP should disable Nagle. This reduces average RPC request latency on TCP, and makes network trace tools work a little nicer.
Determines whether Nagle's algorithm is to be used. The Nagle's algorithm tries to conserve bandwidth by minimizing the number of segments that are sent. When applications wish to decrease network latency and increase performance, they can disable Nagle's algorithm (that is enable TCP_NODELAY). Data will be sent earlier, at the cost of an increase in bandwidth consumption.
The KEEPALIVE option of the TCP/IP Protocol ensures that connections are kept alive even while they are idle. When a connection to a client is inactive for a period of time (the timeout period), the operating system sends KEEPALIVE packets at regular intervals. On most systems, the default timeout period is two hours (7,200,000 ms).
If the network hardware or software drops connections that have been idle for less than the two hour default, the Windows Client session will fail. KEEPALIVE timeouts are configured at the operating system level for all connections that have KEEPALIVE enabled.
If the network hardware or software (including firewalls) have a idle limit of one hour, then the KEEPALIVE timeout must be less than one hour. To rectify this situation TCP/IP KEEPALIVE settings can be lowered to fit inside the firewall limits. The implementation of TCP KEEPALIVE may vary from vendor to vendor. The original definition is quite old and described in RFC 1122.
To avoid unauthorized connections to your X display, the command xauth for encrypted X connections is widely used. When you login, a .Xauthority file is created in your home directory ($HOME). Even SSH initiate the creation of a magic cookie and without it, no display could be opened. Note that since the .Xauthority file IS the file containing the MIT Magic cookie, if you ever run out of disk quota or the file system is full, this file CANNOT be created or updated (even from the sshd impersonating the user) and consequently, no X connections can be opened.
The .Xauthority file sometimes contains information from older sessions, but this is not important, as a new key is created at every login session. The Xauthority is simple and powerful, and eliminates many of the security problems with X.