
Real data production summary, browsers and documentation

FastOffline production information and browsers

Current production jobs status and monitoring plots

DEV software library status, nightly test and validation

NEW software library releases test and validation

New tracker library status, tests and validation

Monitoring of Production Jobs and Facilities, tools and plots

Grid Production Monitoring Tools

Embedding production

Simulation production

Old real data productions status tables and plots

Old GRID production data browser

Trigger information pages

Fast Offline

Fast Offline documentation

Fast Offline tools and related


Layout and how it (generally) works

Disk space and path name

First, FastOffline results are on

  • /star/data09/
  • /star/data10/
  • /star/data11/
  • /star/data12/

Note first as a reminder, production paths follows a convention


and that starting from 2006 data, an additional path $RunNumber is appended before the file names. This was added to avoid having large directories (and therefore, slow directory look ups) on heavy loaded file system.

All log files goes to /star/rcf/prodlog/dev/log/daq. FastOffline runs out of the dev library which is associated to a production tag dev. Running from dev has its inconvenience (code must run) but this allows for code developers to see the result of their changes (hopefully improvements and bug correction) the next day as dev is released using the AutoBuild framework (see the Library release structure and policy  for more information as well as the code sanity pages and the AutoBuild last release report).

Conditions for jobs to start

FastOffline works by sampling the data as follows:

  • The system goes from the newest to the oldest run as they appear in HPSS and the online db. Several notes are in order
    • ANY runs marked bad by the Shift crew or RTS will NOT be picked nor processed by FastOffline.
      • Note: Runs marked questionable by the ShiftLeader or of unknown status could be picked by FastOffline if the other conditions below are met. Keep in mind that if the ShiftLeader marks the runs as bad late in the shift, FastOffline may have already processed the file at an earlier time when the status appeared to allow processing.
    • The file must have a minimum of MINEVT events to be sent for processing
      • Note: The rational behind this cut-off was in the early days that too many "tests" were taken with valid names but would all end-up to contain about 100 events or so. This number was set to 200 from 2006 onward.
    • The files MUST be present in HPSS for FastOffline to pick a run.
      • Note: If the online to offline migration of data is not possible or not done, the system will not be able to process any data.
    • ANY network interrupt will not allow for FastOffline to update its database (this is rare and inconsequential and mentioned for the sake of completeness)  [this has not happened since 2011]
    • ANY problems with the online db, mainly the database known as RunLog, will make FastOffline stop as well. As soon as the RunLog “sanity” is restored, FastOffline would resume as normal including periodic bootstrapping logic of all records which may have appeared during the downtime [database consolidation has made this category of problems go away]
      • Note: “sanity” includes slow downs due to db overload (anyone performing intense operations with the RunLog would kill or affect negatively FastOffline so, be attentive if you receive a request from the database leader in regards of usage). In other words, RunLog is a fundamental part of operational sanity of this system.
    • FastOffline relies on tables which are aggregated and migrated for sole use of FastOffline. This allows greatre scalability. However, if the migration daemons stop, FastOffline willl cease getting the vital information ite needs and hence ... stop as well.
      • Note: most tables needed by FastOffline are monitored here.
  • The system uses a finite number of nodes on the reconstruction farm. This number is adjustable within the limit of the farm size and the ongoing scheduled productions. It is also limited to the amount of disk space available for the system to work.
    Note that FastOffline bypass (see definition in the next bullet) processes all events in a given file when a file is selected which means that the average processing time depends on the type of collision, trigger mix etc ... The number of events to be processed is otherwise adjustable and set by the NUMEVT variable. From 2006 to 2009, this was set to 200 events per file to increase sampling.


  • FastOffline implements several specialized algorithm and treatments:
    • There are three basic treatments: regular mode, bypass and calibration.
      • The three treatment are NOT sharing the same queues in the reconstruction farm.
      • Any mode can be adjusted separately in terms of the resource taken.
      • Although the queue are separate, the reconstruction farm software checks the farm sanity as a whole. Any jobs not moving in a queue will stall the system entirely to avoid the job “vacuum effect”. Especially, HPSS sanity can greatly influence the system's ability to perform or a burst of job will lead to a pause.
      • Last, when the disk space available for FastOffline is beyond 95% occupancy, no more jobs submission may occur.
    • Calibration tasks have the highest priority over ALL FastOffline processes and are ALWAYS processed first to ensure calibration readiness when processing the real data.
    • Bypass is the ability to ask the system to bypass automatic processing and deal with specific runs processing (within any arbitrary chains) immediately and with high priority.
    • Data pre-processing is third in the priority order. There is only one pre-processing available to date. It was introduced in 2005 and known as “ezTree production”.
      • This pre-processing pass shares the same queue than the regular mode
      • Pre-processing passes are possible as it is fast and would not jeopardize the regular data production ; too many or too long jobs would prevent regular jobs from ever running (when the slots are filled, that is it)
      • Those passes may be set using their own chain options
      • This pre-processing stage was limited to a specific trigger setup name.
    • The regular mode comprise any other data processing tasks.
      Within this broad category, the resources were divided as follow up to 2007 (all numbers are adjustable).
      In 2008 onward, this queue division was disabled (mostly due to the appearance of too many streams).
      • 70% of the available slots will be used for express stream (if any exists). Note that express stream are defined as file type:
        express, jpsi, upsilon, muon and gamma
      • 30% for zerobias in all other cases
      • The remainder for any other physics runs
    • FastOffline also allows for different chains for different species. Within this restriction, the following applies for
      • Files named pedestal are permanently skipped
      • Trigger setups (names or trigger set) equal to pedestal or pulser will be permanently skipped
      • Run numbers which does not have a trigger setup name or a set of triggers associated to them will be temporarily skipped until the system is able to auto-adjust (update) its information
      • In regular mode, trigger setups named test or tune (2010 addition) are skipped. If you need FastOffline to process those, do not name them test nor tune. It is expected that individual test triggers included in production trigger setups are not funneled into the previously mentioned file streams processed by FastOffline.
      • Runs not containing TPC or TPX data are skipped in calibration and regular mode at the exception of the pre-processing passes (like ezTree etc ...)
  • FastOfflinekeeps on disk a 15 days (adjustable) worth production sample.
    • Files older than 15 days are automatically deleted from disk leaving space for newer ones.
    • Results should be on retrievable from HPSS (starting from 2005, it is the default to save a copy)

All of the above numbers are adjustable so this pseudo-policy may change any time. Note that ANY additional selections such as selections on the number of events in a file (minimum), the beam energy, the magnet field type, the collision or the trigger setup name may be used to sub-select a sample of files to be used in a pre-processing pass or otherwise new algorithm.

The gory details

You don't need to read this unless you are planning to help with production or understand how the system works ... It is simple. One needs to read perl only. But if you have read until here, it probably means you ant to know so here we go ...

2005 selection for ezTree

For example, ezTree processing in 2005 included

    • ppProductionMinBias trigger setup name only
    • Files NOT already processed by the regular FastOffline processing

This leads to a selection TrgSetup=='ppProductionMinBias' AND Status==0. The value of Status and meaning is as follow:

    • 0: the file is “new”
    • 1: the file was submitted to the queue
    • 2: the file has been processed. All went OK
    • 3: the file has been processed AND has been QA-ed (note: the QA system sets this value)
    • 4: the file was skipped
    • 5: the file was submitted for calibration. This value will be overwritten by regular processing.
    • 666: ... the jobs have died, disappeared or otherwise indicating a problem.

Ideally, you need to select ONLY on Status in (2,3). They are indicators of success (the rest being for internal bookkeeping only). Currently, the extended statuses for pre-processing are not updated to a value beyond 1. We can but one would need to know what to search for and parse from the logs to define success (it is not a framework limitation per say but any “decision” on OK or not implies a piece of code one has to write to validate the processing). Therefore, a safe assumption for selection pre-processed files from FastOffline is to check for Status in (2,3) AND XStatus$ID > 0 (where $ID is the ID assigned to you for your pre-processing pass i.e. 1 for ezTree, etc ...) and check for the presence of the expected output on disk.

Scripts layout

All scripts for FastOffline are located in $STAR_SCRIPTS or $STAR_CGI depending on usage. FastOffline heavily rely on

  • The presence of the RunLog database on
  • The copy of daqFileTag table into that database (initial thanks to Jeff Porter for this copy which simplifies SQL queries)
  • The presence of the tables daqSummary, beamInfo, magField in that same database.
  • The field name in each of those tables.
  • Any of the first section caveats and/or requirements

Everything is concentrated in one unique perl module named Scripts developed around are merely using methods available via this module so, one change in the module, all changes (including one mistake = all broken).

Invoked in a cronjob via the DAQFill.csh, the sole purpose of this script is to read the online database and build a condensed summary information related to new records as they come (table DAQInfo. The perl script SHOULD NOT be invoked from the crontab since it works in an infinite loop mode of period 60 seconds.
At every cycle, only new records are updated. However, the current scheme meant to save precious time also causes to lose file sequences (this is a synchronization online/offline issue, nothing to do with FastOffline itself). Therefore, this script currently has an update mode where all records are scanned and missed ones are merged with the old ones.
There are currently 3 modes of operation for the csh wrapper :

  • ./DAQFill.csh Clean : kills all running jobs. The purpose of this mode is to clean hanged processes not listed by a ps -ef has it happens whenever AFS experience a hick-up. This mode is executed twice a day. This has not been really necessary since 2004 but kept for those rare events which tends to happen whenever no-one is looking ...
  • ./DAQFill.csh Update: Update mode scans all records in the online database since the last check and inserts in Fast-offline database any records it does not already have. This mode is run twice a day, just after the Clean mode. This mode starts the perl script with the first parameter=0 (which means no loop) without checking for the presence of another process. Logically, it should be placed after the Clean.
  • ./DAQFill.csh Run : This is executed once every 10 minutes. However, the wrapper detaches the script only if does not find another process with the same name. The script is invoked with parameter=1, a loop mode of time specified by the second argument of the wrapper (and second of the perl script as well). The default time is one scan every 60 seconds. The crontabs currently specifies 300 seconds. It makes no sens to make this time parameter greater than the laps time between 2 wrapper execution.
    This mode updates the records based on the last entry. Last entry involves the run number only (that's why we may lose records as whenever we query for a run, some of the file sequence may not be ready but our internal counters moves forward).

All cron-jobs are currently running under starreco and on rcas6003. Note that the csh wrapper MUST be running on a Linux box or a box where the auwx options of the ps command are available.

This script takes care of submitting job description files to the CRS queue system. It MUST therefore run under the following conditions

  • On one of the rcsuser nodes
  • The and script MUST function (hopefully, this is true).

The current cronjobs are running under starreco on rcrsuser4.
There are 2 useful lines in this crontab :

  • ./ dev -1 /star/data09/reco : tells fastOffline use dev as the library version, -1 (i.e. all) events found in a given file,with all output going to /star/data09/reco as a base path. Base-path means that a structure will be created from that point.
  • Note that the syntax allows for disk spanning. Disk spanning can be specified by using a syntax similar to
    ./ dev -1 /star/data+09-11/reco : this will be submitted as-is (only disk space will be checked), the disk spanning resolution will be delegated to the reconstruction wrapper code bfcca. In our example, any disk from /star/data09 to /star/data11 (that is any number XX in [09,11] for /star/dataXX) will be used.
  • ./ dev -1 1 : this special syntax specifies that the queue should be scanned for terminated jobs and the jobfiles moved into the archive directory.
  • ./ dev -1 C/star/data09/reco . This line processes calibration passes. All priorities are set internally to the script.
  • ./ dev -1 Z/star/data09/reco . This line is used for the special processing bypass (ezTree for example). All settings are internal to . Especially, the trigger setupname to be used for this pass is a restrictive parameter.
  • ./ dev -1 X/star/data13/Magellan:balewski . Mode "X" was introduced in 2011 data taking to pipe a portion of the data to a different disk. In this case, part of the data was moved to /star/data13/Magellan and the ownership changed as indicated. This out-sourcing mode as been used in a seldom manner.

Some syntax options while invoking this script :

  • You DO NOT have to know the number of jobs it can submit. There are NO CHANGES necessary. The only assumption is that FastOffline will be running om some queues of the crs nodes. The script will figure out what that means ...
  • The default assumed chain is assumed is declared by collision in an associative array named DCHAIN (default chain). This be overridden by specifying the next argument of the command line calling (i.e. argument 4).
  • There is provision for a 5th argument = collision tag which purpose is to exclude any collision tag different than the specified one. The default implemented values are AuAu and PPPP. Note that if the collider changes the collisions tag, we are doomed (or need to declare extraneous chains to treat those).
  • There are 2 mode of submission even in what we named the regular mode
    • by default, the submission will go from top (last run entered in the database) to bottom (first run entered in the database). During periods when we have nothing new, the submission will proceed in submitting EVERYTHING it finds. In heavy acquisition mode, this script will function as expected (sampling the data as it comes), however, at the end of the year of acquisition and/or in between active times, it will also proceed in processing the rest of the runs.
    • This may be unwanted (especially at the end of the run, FastOffline not being a replacement for production). The second mode can therefore be switch on. This is achieved by specifying a restoration path preceded by a ^ character (a-la perl, this symbol means "anchor with start of"). This can be switched at crontab level of course. In this mode of submission, only the latest files will be returned by the modules and the submission system will NOT run a job already run again. FastOffline will therefore not crawl down from latest to earliest runs.

This script is still in development mode. It is meant to be executed regularly from a cronjob. Its purpose is to scan archive directory for finished jobs, compare the list with what is available in the target/destination directory and mark the entries in the DAQInfo table as processed. This is used for hand-shaking with QA (and let them know what is done or not). Possible arguments are the library version then the target directory to scan. Note that the standard directory structure is assumed. This script must be executed from a node which has access to both /star/u/starreco and the target directory. It is currently running under starreco on rcas6003. is the perl module at the heart of FastOffline processing. This module does about everything by providing other scripts ( , ) function interface.

Function interfaces

All functions are documented in the module itself. Documentation is maintained in the code header and will not be replicated here. Click here to get more information.

How can I make a selection using

In principle, you do not need to know SQL to use the module. Many selections are handled through defining a perl associative array of conditions with values and operator and pass it as-is to the methods accepting such argument and all queries will be generated for you.

  • For example, setting $Cond{“Status”} = 0 implies a constraints where the db field Status will need to be equal to zero for the records to be selected.
  • When a value is assigned, you may use operators such as > (greater than), < (lesser than), or ! (not equal). For example, $Cond{“TrgSetup”} = “!12” would be mean anything but 12.
  • The | (logical or) may also be used to select several values like 12|14|17.
  • Bitwise operation are also handled automatically within a syntax using the : character. For example, :2 means that from the selected field, the second bit has to be true. Maybe a problem to some extent, bitwise operations and selection has to be on specific values only (multiple bits selection is not yet implemented). Also, it is done on numerical values ... but the fields using bitwise coding are fields which may potentially carry lots of possible values (like detector setup or trigger setup). Functions exists to convert string to numbers however so, this is not a problem (the multiple selection is perhaps). If needed, please send me an Email requesting the extension.
  • Round offs are taken care off internally by conversion routines. You can specify for example an approximate beam energy as displayed by the FastOffline browser. This allows for consistency of treatment of the precision.

Table structures, initializing a new year

Tables exists in the operation database and are:

  • DAQInfo - the main table containing all information about files, run, number of events and status of the FastOffline processing (field Status). Note that Status are given by rdaq_status_string which may take as valueone of the following
    • 0: 000 : unknown
    • 1: 001 : Submitted
    • 2: 010 : Processed
    • 3: 011 : QADone   
    • 4: 100 : Skipped 
    • 5         : SCalib (used for calibration)
    • 6         : FCalib (used for Fast calibration)
    • 111     : Marked bad
    • 666     : Died
    Ideally, those codes are internal or for external use (QA) and may be changed. Especially, the mask model has not been followed for statuses > 3 (calibration may set bits later on the upper range).
  • Other tables are dictionary tables allowing for fast list building and indirect search. They are self maintained by the system and should not be tempered with unless you really (really) know what you are doing. They are:
    • FOChains             - this will hold a historical list of chains used in the process
    • FODetectorTypes - this will hold all detectors found and build masks
    • FOFileType           - will hold the kind of files i.e. physics, pedestal, etc ...
    • FOLocations         - this table will tell you where the files are processed
    • FOMessages        - this table will hold all internal to the system's messages broadcast via rdaq_set_message.
    • FOruns                 - list of run numbers for the year
    • FOTriggerBits       - list of individual triggers contained ina run. Masks will be build from this information.
    • FOTriggerSetup    - list of run configuration trigger setup
    • DAQInfo               - this table wil contain a copy of all information from the RunLog



Because the CRS queue system is only a job-description based system, an extraneous script needs to be used in order to handle the running pass of root4star. There are many bfcXXX scripts around and we tried to make this one as general as possible.
The help was moved here: bfcca.



MC Production for tracking upgrade

Datasamples and Production Summary for Tracking Upgrades

Geometry tag/

Detectors for tracking upgrades

Library version and tag


Number of events





NO hits smearing for HFT,IST,HPD

36K x 3

on HPSS only





perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT,IST & HPD

36K x 3

on HPSS only




SL06f (SL06f_1)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT & IST

36K x 3

on HPSS only





perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT & IST

19K x 5

on HPSS only





perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT & IST


on HPSS only




SL06f (SL06f_1)

hits smearing for HFT, IST & HPD

36K x 3

on HPSS only




SL06f (SL06f_1)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT

36K x 3

on HPSS only




SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT, HPD

5K x 3

on HPSS only




SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for HFT, HPD

1K x 3

on HPSS only



Outer IST layer only

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT & HPD

5K x 3

on HPSS only



Outer IST layer only

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT & HPD

1K x 3

on HPSS only



Inner IST layer 9.5cm

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT

5K x 3

on HPSS only



Inner IST layer 9.5cm

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT

0.8K x 3

on HPSS only



IST layers 9.5@17.0 cm

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT

5K x 3

on HPSS only



IST layers 9.5@17.0 cm

SL06g (SL06g)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT

1K x 3

on HPSS only



IST layers 9.5@17.0 cm,
corrected geometry;
new 6 disk FGT;
corrected SSD (no West Cone)

SL07a (SL07a_1)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT






pp200 pythia with D0 mesons

IST layers 9.5@17.0 cm,
corrected geometry;
new 6 disk FGT;
corrected SSD (no West Cone)

SL07a (SL07a_1)

perfect SSD and
hits smearing for IST, HFT



Each dataset containes 3 sets of files with extensions

  • *evts.*.root - pure auau 200 GeV hijing events;
  • *evts_37.*.root - D0 mesons;
  • *evts_37_mix.*.root - auau 200GeV hijing events with embedded D0 mesons.
  • *evts_207.*.root - lambda+_c;
  • *evts_207_mix.*.root - auau 200GeV hijing events with embedded lambda+_c.

Below is notation for the detectors:

  • SSD - Silicon strip detector
  • IST - Inner Silicon Tracker
  • HFT - Heavy Flavor Tracker
  • HPD - Hybrid Pixel Detector

For more information regarding detector's geometry look at the Drupal page

Monte Carlo production datasets


                                       Monte Carlo Production Datasets

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, di-jet simulation setting, year 2004y geometry production


  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/bin1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1312)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/bin2/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1313)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1314)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin4/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1315)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin5/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1316)

    for 'bin' setting check Drupal page

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV', no sdt timestamp was used for TPC RDO mask;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, year 2006c geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, TOF, pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, pmd, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1318)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1317)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1311)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1310)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1309)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1308)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1307)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1306)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/35_45gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1303)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1302)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1304)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1319)

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV' was used and sdt timestamp = sdt20050727;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure .

pp 62GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, year 2006c geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, TOF, pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, pmd, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1318)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1317)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1311)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1310)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1309)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1308)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1307)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1306)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/35_45gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1303)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1302)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1304)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1319)

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV' was used and sdt timestamp = sdt20050727;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure .

AuAu 200GeV, HIJING, central events production with year 2007 geometry  

Next datasets have been produced:

- HIJING + embedded B0 mesons;
- HIJING + embedded B+ mesons;
- HIJING + embedded Upsilons(1S, 2S, 3S) ;

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, updated tof, new upVPD, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd/fms, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2007/gheisha_on - (rcf1296)

    files rcf1296*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
    files rcf1296*70_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B0 mesons;
    files rcf1296*72_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B+ mesons;
    files rcf1296*70.MuDst.root - sinle B0 mesons;
    files rcf1296*72.MuDst.root - single B+ mesons;

    files rcf1296*164_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S1);
    files rcf1296*165_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S2);
    files rcf1296*166_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S3);

Production Series

  • P07ia, run with library SL07a
    reconstruction chains have been run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain was used with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking;
    datasets with embedded Upsilons have been run tpc (trs), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF TPC tracking only.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.205, year 2006 geometry production

Five datasets have been produced: pp200 PYTHIA, pp200 PYTHIA + embedded J/Psi, Upsilons (1S,2S,3S) ;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_205/Upsminbias/cdf_a/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1275)

    files rcf1275*evts.MuDst.root - pythia, no embedded data;
    files rcf1275*160.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded J/Psi;
    files rcf1275*161.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S1) ;
    files rcf1275*162.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S2) ;
    files rcf1275*163.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S3) ;

Production Series

  • P06id, run with library SL06d
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF

cucu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2006 geometry production

Two datasets have been produced: HIJING and HIJING + embedded D0;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1261)

            files rcf1261*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data; 
            files rcf1261*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
            files rcf1261*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/D0minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1272)

    files rcf1272*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
    files rcf1272*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

Production Series

  • P06id, run with library SL06d
    two reconstruction chains have been run:
    - run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF
    - run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF with SVT & SSD tracking

cucu 62GeV, HIJING, year 2006 geometry production

Two datasets have been produced: HIJING and HIJING + embedded D0;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1262)

    files rcf1262*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
    files rcf1262*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons ;
    files rcf1262*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

Production Series

  • P06ic, run with library SL06c
    two reconstruction chains have been run:
    - run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF
    - run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF with SVT & SSD tracking

Single pi0 & J/psi simulation with year 2005x geometry

using phase space generator to study SVT material effect on e+e- properties and J/psi measurement.
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material) on/off, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, tof, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • 100pi0/gkine/200mev_15gev/svtt_on/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1238)
  • 100pi0/gkine/200mev_15gev/svtt_off/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1239)
  • 10jpsi/gkine/500mev_3gev/svtt_on/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1240)
  • 10jpsi/gkine/500mev_3gev/svtt_off/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1241)
Description of those datasets could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame) 

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    reconstruction run through tpc (trs), svt(fast simulator) + est (on/off), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, chain: TPT + EST

cucu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2005x geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1216)

Production Series

  • P05ib, run with library SL05b
    reconstruction run through tpc (trs), svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, chain: TPT + EST

pp 200GeV, HERWIG v.6507, year 2004y geometry

with improved event header and interface with starsim, setting description could be found on the simulation Web page ('Data' on the left panel) 


  • pp200/herwig6507/2_3gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1255)
  • pp200/herwig6507/3_4gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1256)
  • pp200/herwig6507/4_5gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1257)
  • pp200/herwig6507/5_7gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1258)
  • pp200/herwig6507/7_9gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1259)
  • pp200/herwig6507/9_11gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1250)
  • pp200/herwig6507/11_15gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1251)
  • pp200/herwig6507/15_25gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1252)
  • pp200/herwig6507/25_35gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1253)
  • pp200/herwig6507/35_100gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1254)


pp 200GeV, HERWIG v.6507, year 2004y geometry

with special setting which could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame) 


  • pp200/herwig6507/5_7gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1236)
  • pp200/herwig6507/9_11gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1244)
  • pp200/herwig6507/11_15gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1245)
  • pp200/herwig6507/15_25gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1246)
  • pp200/herwig6507/25_35gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1247)
  • pp200/herwig6507/35_45gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1248)

Production Series

  • P05ie, run with library SL05e
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction;
    TPC RDO mask for run 2004 was used with timestamp sdt20040427

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.205 and v.6.203, year 2004c/2004y geometry

with special pythia setting which could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame)


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1222, test production)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004y/gcalor_on - (rcf1223, test production)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/0_2gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1273)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/2_3gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1231)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1232)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1233)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1224)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1225)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1226)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1227)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1228)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1229)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/above_35gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1230)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/low_energy/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1234)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/min_bias/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1235)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1270)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1271)

Production Series

  • P05ie, run with library SL05e
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction;
    TPC RDO mask for run 2004 was used with timestamp sdt20040427
  • P05ih, run with library SL05h
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. ITTF tracking + PPV vertex finder has been used in reconstruction and TPC RDO + EMC tower mask with timestamp sdt20050727 for run 2005;
    dataset rcf1273 has been run only in P05ih production by request ;


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special1/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1219)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1220)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special3/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1221)  

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA, v.6.203, year 2004a/2004x geometry, minbias and high Pt trigger datasets

year 2004a geometry includes GEANT simulation running through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used for simulation of hadronic interactions, positive full field
year 2004x geometry includes GEANT simulation running through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/minbias/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1210)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/minbias/y2004x/gheisha_on - (rcf1211)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt15/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 15 GeV/c) - (rcf1214, pds1214)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/default/pt7/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 7 GeV/c) - (rcf1213)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt3/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 3 GeV/c) - (rcf1212, pds1212)

Production Series

  • P04ij, run with library SL04j
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD, ITTF chain has been used

auau 200GeV, HIJING, year 2004 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1208)
  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1209)
  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/diamond60-30/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1218)

Production Series

  • P04ie, run with library SL04e
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD, chain: TPT + EST
  • P04ij, run with library SL04j
    ITTF chain + all of the above detectors have been processed, small statistics, ~2000 minbias events

auau 62GeV, HIJING, year 2004 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau62/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2004/gheisha_on - (rcf1206)
  • auau62/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1207, pds1207)

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.203, with high pt trigger, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt5/year2003/gheisha_on
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt15/year2003/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc, EEMC in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding  

auau 200 GeV/c, mevsim flow simulation, central (b0_6) year_1e geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/mevsim/v2/b0_6/year_1e/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc and rich

auau 200 GeV/c mevsim flow simulation, central (b0_6) year2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/mevsim/v2/b0_6/year2001/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, rich, ftpc, calo path

auau 200GeV, HIJING, year 2003x geometry production

with embedded J/Psi and Upsilons simulated with PITHIA, GHEISHA was used in GEANT simulation
GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers, improved geometry), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL two caps, bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on,
  • files rcf1201*evts.fzd - hijing v.1.382, no embedded data
  • files rcf1201*160_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded J/psi
  • files rcf1201*161_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Upsilons
  • files rcf1201*24_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega

Production Series

  • P03ih, run with library SL03h , datasets:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ih - hijing v.1.382, no embedded data;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ihj - single J/psi particles;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ihu - single Upsilon particles;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_ihj - hijing v.1.382 with embedded J/psi
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_ihu - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Upsilons

    reconstruction run through tpc, bbc, EMC full barrel, ECAL two caps;
  • P04ia production run with SL04a library dataset:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_om.ia - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega
      HIJING with embedded Omega run in addition through SVT and used new V0 and Xi vertex finding code and new SVT fast simulator (srs). problem found in production with SVT code and dataset has been rerun
  • P04ie production run with SL04e library, fixed SVT simulation code:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/ - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega

dAu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, GEANT was running with GCALOR
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet02/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>2 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet03/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>3 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet06/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>6 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing_381/b0_20/minbias_wideZ/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.381, Z vertex distribution 80 cm
  • dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/year2003/gheisha_on --- hijing v. 1.382, GEANT was running with GHEISHA

Production Series

  • P03ii, run with library SL02i , dataset:
    • dau200/hijing/b0_20/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding
  • P03id, run with library SL03d , dataset:
    • dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/year2003/gheisha_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc, EEMC in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.203, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • pp200/pythia_6.203/default/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on --- pythia v. 6.203, GEANT run with GCALOR

Production Series

  • P03ic, run with library SL03c ,
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding

AuAu 200GeV, HIJING v. 1.35, year 2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal and GCALOR


  • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on - minbias, full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on - central, full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on - minbias, reversed full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on - central, reversed full field;

Production Series

  • P01gk, run with library SL01k , first auau200 hijing production with geometry year2001
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, year2001 geometry
  • P01gl, run with library SL01l , first release of EMC code for year2001 geometry and MC production
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, year2001 geometry
  • P02gb, run with library SL02b ,
    important features: db access for tpc reshaped, StTpcDb, StTrsMaker modified
    this is small test production before real year 2001 AuAu 200 GeV data taken
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, y2001 geometry
  • P02ge, run with library SL02e
    to make it consistent with real AuAu 200GeV data production, fixed bug in and, added he3,he4,deuterons in simulation
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, y2001 geometry
  • P02gg, large scale production, run with library SL02g
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path,(y2001n geometry, updated, material in central membrane changed to copper), implemented simutag to handle offline database correctly, implemented dynamic stamp for RDO mask to make MC data consistent with the experimental data
  • P02gh2, run with library SL02h
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, calo path, (y2001n geometry,updated, material in central membrane changed to copper), used dynamic stamp for RDO mask experimental data, small production for ITTF test
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, ftpc, calo path, y2001n geometry, small production (25K events) for FTPC group

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA, year 2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal, positive full field and GCALOR


  • pp200/pythia/default/minbias/year2001/hadronic_on

Production Series

  • P02gh2, run with library SL02h reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, ftpc, calo path, small production for ITTF test.
  • MDC4, run with library SL01d reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, mwc

AuAu 130GeV, HIJING v. 1.35, year 2000 production

geometry 'year_1e' GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, positive half field and GCALOR
geometry 'year_1h' GEANT simulation includes FTPC


  • auau130/hijing/b0_15/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on - minbias, half field
  • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on - central,half field
  • auau130/hijing/b3_6/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on - midcentral,half field
  • auau130/hijing/b0_3_jet05/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on - central with jet trigger Pt > 5 GeV/c, half field

Production Series

  • P00hi, run with library SL00i datasets:
    • auau130/hijing/b0_15/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b3_6/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3_jet05/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc and rich
  • P01hi, run with library SL01j , SIM tag has been implemented which allowes to handle database correction needed for real data and should not be used for simulation data dataset:
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc and rich


AuAu 200GeV, VNI events year 2000 production

geometry 'year_1h', GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, FTPC


  • auau200/vni/default/b0_3/year_1h/hadronic_on - central, positive full field
  • auau200/vni/default/b0_3/year_1h1/hadronic_on - central, positive full field

Production Series

P03ih, run with library SL03h, reconstruction run through tpc (trs) for EbyE PWG

More datasets could be found in FileCatalog related to MDC and site PWG simultaion requests.



Lidia Didenko

Production Status Update for run 2007/2008

Run 2008 auau 9GeV data production

Trigger sets: lowEnergy2008 & bbcvpd; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_physics - 187K events; July 10, 2008; P08ic

Run 2008 pp 200GeV data production

pp 200GeV, trigger sets: ppProduction2008, ppProduction2008-2; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_toftpx - 73M events; Aug 4, 2008; P08ic; redone in P08ie with improved Space charge correction and vertex finder;
  • st_mtd - 0.62M events; Aug 4, 2008; P08ic; redone in P08ie with improved Space charge correction and vertex finder;
  • st_fmsslow - 16.4M events; Aug 4, 2008; P08ic; redone in P08ie with improved vertex finding;
  • st_fmsfast - 154M events completed by Feb 10, 2009; P08ie
  • st_physics - 27.6M events; Nov 30, 2008; P08ie
  • Total = 272M events

pp 200GeV, trigger sets: pp2pp; 1M events, completed Feb 18, P08ie

Run 2008 dAu 200GeV data production

dAu 200GeV, trigger set: production_dAu2008; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_upsilon - 1.26M events; July 29, 2008; P08ic; rerun in P08ie with improved Space charge correction;
  • st_mtd - 1.66M events; July 29, 2008; P08ic; rerun in P08ie with improved Space charge correction;
  • st_upc - 245K events; Dec 31, 2008; P08ie
  • st_fast - 30M events completed by Nov 30 2008; 1072M completed Feb 3, 2009;P08ie
  • st_physics - 99.0M events; Oct 6, 2008; P08ic; rerun in P08ie with improved Space charge correction;
  • Total = 1174M events

Trigger sets: production_PMD2008; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_physics - 5.9M events; Nov 17, 2008; P08ie; rerun in P08if with fixed StPmdReadMaker, Dec 19, 2008;
  • st_fast - 36M events; completed by Feb 10, 2009; P08if;

Trigger sets: production_mb2008; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_physics - 18.2M events; Dec 24, 2008; P08ie
  • st_fast - 15.7M events; Feb 15; P08ie;

Trigger sets: EmcCheck; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • st_physics - 21.6M events; Feb 12, 2009; P08ie

Run 2007 AuAu 200GeV production

Trigger sets; number of events; date of completion; production series

  • 2007LowLuminosity - 670K events; Aug 8, 2008; P08ic
  • 2007ProductionMinBias
    • st_physics - 62M events; Dec 18, 2008; P08ic
  • 2007Production2
    • st_gamma - 1.1M; Oct 31, 2007; P07id
    • st_mtd - 446K; Oct 23, 2007; P07id
    • st_upc - 1.9M; Mar 21, 2008; P08ib
    • st_upsilon - 5.0M; Oct 20, 2008,P07id; rerun in P08ic with y2007g geometry, Aug 29, 2008;
    • st_btag - 1.5M; Sep 6, 2008; P08ic
    • st_physics - 18M; Oct 15, 2008; P08ic
    • Total = 27.9M events


Production Status for run 2010


Production path name convention

Production path for real data

Production path for real data inherites some parts from raw data pathes and has edditional information related to trigger set, magnatic field and production series. Conventional name is:

and added ../run_number subdirectory for year 2006 and next years.

Trirger set name is defined by trigger group in the online data taken.

Examples of real data production path:

  • /home/starreco/reco/cuProductionMinBias/ReversedFullField/P05id/2005/060
  • /home/starreco/reco/2007ProductionMinBias/FullField/P08ic/2007/104/8104044

-cuProductionMinBias and 2007ProductionMinBias are the names of trigger sets, description could be found on the pages:

trigger set for run year 2005
tigger set for run year 2007
-P05id and P08ic - reconstruction production series
-060 and 104 - days of data taken
-8104044 - run number


Production path for simulation data

Name of path for MC data should contain fundamental definition of parameters set used for simulation and be standardized for automated cataloging.
MC path includes 7 subdirectories, each of them definds certain parameters and simulation options:


Examples of MC data path:

  • /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_1.382/b0_3/fullfield/year2004/gheisha_on/p05ie
  • /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_1.382/b0_20/halffield/year2004/gcalor_on/p05ie
  • /home/starreco/reco/pp200/pythia_6.205/default/fullfield/year2004/gheisha_on/p05ie
  • /home/starreco/reco/pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on/p08ie

The meaning of notation is:

- auau200 - auau collisions with energy = 200GeV;
- pp200 - pp collisions with energy = 200GeV;
- hijing_1.382 - hijing event generator, version 1.382 was used for simulation;
- pythia_6.205 - pythia event generator, version 6.205 was used for simulation;
- b0_3 - impact parameter b is in the range 0-3 fm;
- 11_15gev - pt trigger interval;
- fullfield (halffield) - full or half magnetic field was used in simultaion;
- year2004 (y2007g) - geometry version used for simultaion;
- gheisha_on(gcalor_on) - GHEISHA or GCALOR code was used for simulation of hadronic interactions;
- p05ie - production series;

In the subdirectory "/parameters/" any parameters could be specified, other subdirectories should be defined according to conventional name.

For GEANT simulation files subdirectory "production_series" should be replaced by name "gstardata";


Production path name for embedding data

Name of path for embedding production follow name of path for real data production (some part) plus have information about embedded particle name and ID of embedding request. The path name has next structure:
and added ../run_number subdirectory for year 2006 and next years.

Example of embedding data path:

  • /home/starreco/embedding/cuProductionMinBias/Omega_703_1179173304/P06ib.SL06b/2005/050

- cuProductionMinBias is trigger set name;
- Omega_703_1179173304 name of embedded particle (Omega) and request ID;
- P06ib.SL06b real data production series and library version used for embedding production;
- 2005 is year of real data taken;
- 050 is day of data taken;

Lidia Didenko

Real Data productions


Real Data Productions

AuAu 200GeV, run 2007, trigger data production; files: st_gamma, st_mtd, st_upsilon, st_upc;

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, ssd, tof, ftpc, pmd, emc, eemc, bsmd, esmd; set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment fot TPC, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Production Series


pp 200GeV, run 2006, production with ITTF code

next detectors are on: tpc, svt, emc, eemc, ftpc, fpd, bsmd, esmd. Set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionTrans;
  • ppProductionTransNoEMC;
  • ppProductionTransFPDonly;
  • ppProductionLong;
  • ppProductionLongNoEmc;
  • ppProductionJPsi;
  • pp2006MinBias;
  • ppProduction;
  • barrelBackground;
  • ppEmcCheck;
  • ppEmcBackgroundCheck;
  • muonminbias;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06ie run with library SL06e
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV (tuned for run 2006 data) for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Fully calibrated.


pp 62GeV, run 2006, production with ITTF code

Corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint. NO space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProduction62;
  • ppProductionMB62;
  • barrelBackground62;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06ie run with library SL06e
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV (tuned for run 2006 data) for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Fully calibrated.

pp 200GeV, run 2006, J/Psi trigged files; production with ITTF code (preliminary production)

next detectors are on: tpc, svt, emc, eemc, ftpc, fpd, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionJPsi;
  • ppProductionTrans, st_jpsi files;
  • ppProductionLong, st_jpsi files;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06id run with library SL06d (tagged as SL06d_2)
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Production was used as first round, test production because calibrations weren't complete at that time for run 2006:
    EMC isn't fully calibrated; PPV vertex finder wasn't tuned for pileup effect for run 2006; beamline constraint didn't include space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections, not accurate.

pp 200GeV & 400GeV run 2005, production with ITTF code without SVT reconstruction

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionMinBias
  • ppProduction
  • ppTransProductionMinBias
  • ppTransProduction
  • ppEmcBackgroundCheck
  • ppEmcCheck
  • Jpsi
  • pp400Production
  • pp400MinBias
  • eemc_led
  • ppVHM

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 Web page

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, multyple vertices finding code (due to pileup in the events), CTB vertex matching

CuCu 22GeV run 2005, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger set

  • cu22ProductionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data.

CuCu 62GeV run 2005, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger set

  • cu62productionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;

CuCu 200GeV run 2005

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger set

  • cuProductionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    selected run numbers with lowest luminosity processed with TPT+EST codes.
  • P06ib, run with library SL06b and ITTF code;
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    Production used multiple vertices finder code which handle pile-up events at high luminosity; EMC track matching was used for vertex ranking;
    BEMC was fully commisioned for run numbers >= 6031103 and for lower run numbers there could be some uncertaincy with BEMC gain and overall performance. Analysis posted on the page show that vertex finding algorithm works well even with partially working BEMC.
    The remaining contamination of pile-up vertices could be cut off using rank of best vertex, rank >-3 ;
    run numbers without EMC detector in WERE NOT processed in this production.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;
    Production has problem due to bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting in some events; production will be droped;
  • P07ic, run with library SL07c and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present; bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting has been fixed.

Trigger set

  • cuProductionHighTower

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P06ib, run with library SL06b and ITTF code;
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    Production used multiple vertices finder code which handle pile-up events at high luminosity; EMC track matching was used for vertex ranking;
    run numbers >= 6031103 have been processed which have good EMC calibrations;
    run numbers without EMC detector in WERE NOT processed in this production.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;
    Production has problem due to bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting in some events; production will be droped;
  • P07ic, run with library SL07c and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present; bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting has been fixed.

AuAu 200GeV, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.
Run numbers from the range 5069085 - 5072056 have been excluded from the production due to corrupted SVT & FTPC raw data and calibration problem.
Run numbers below 5042040 for productionMid/High/Low have 'minbias' trigger ID 15007 which isn't really 'minbias' but has 50% of central cut.
DO NOT USE trigger ID = 15007 for run numbers < 5042040

Trigger set

  • productionMid
  • productionHigh
  • productionLow
  • productionHalfHigh
  • productionHalfLow
  • productionCentral
  • productionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P05ic, run with library SL05c
    East FTPC gain table has been fixed.
  • P05ib, run with library SL05b (run only for productionMid, small datasample, production is complementary to P05ic)
    DB scale factor for magnetic field and StTpcDbMaker bug were fixed, East FTPC data have offset due to wrong gain table, not recommended to use for FTPC data.

Trigger set

  • productionMinBias ( run numbers > 5023098 )

Production Series

  • P05ia, run with library SL05a
    due to bug in StTpcDbMaker Twist correction for high Pt tracks isn't set properly; Ftpc (West) tracking is set correctely in files produced after March 2.

AuAu 200GeV, express stream data, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes


Corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge. Data are dubled in st_physics files.

Trigger sets

  • productionHigh
  • productionMid
  • productionLow

Production Series

  • P05ib, run with library SL05b
    with Grid Leak corrections
  • P04ik, run with library SL04ik
    no Grid Leak corrections, not recomended to use for analysis. REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog

AuAu 200GeV, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes.

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge corrections, no Grid leak correctons, magnetic field scale factor slightly isn't correct for HalfField data but MuDst data were rerun and replaced with momentum shift corrections corresponding to the right value of magnetic field. Not recomended to use for analysis.

Next trigger sets are processed:

  • productionHalfLow
  • productionHigh
  • productionHalfHigh

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P04ik, run with library SL04k ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog


pp 200GeV, run 2004 productions (st_physics, st_fast, st_zerobias files)

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, Space Charge R2 correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction.

Next trigger sets have been processed:

  • productionPP
  • productionPPnoBarrel
  • productionPPnoEndcap
  • ppMinBias
  • pp (no in P04ij production)

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P04ij production with ITTF chain, selected run numbers, run with library SL04j
  • P04ik production with TPT+EST chain, run with library SL04k


AuAu 62 GeV, production62GeV trigger set, year 2004 production

next deterctors are on tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd
description of detector's geometry and status for run 2004 you can find here;
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, Space Charge R2 correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction.

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

  • production62GeV

Production Series

  • P05ic, run with library SL05c , fixed FTPC Est gain table, GridLeak corrections turned on; selected run numbers with limited statistics for FTPC group request.
  • P04id, run with library SL04d
  • P04ie, run with library SL04e - complementary to P04id; no GridLeak corrections in these last two productions; FTPC Est gain table is not correct.


pp 200 GeV ppLongRamp trigger set, year 2003 production

fpd, emc, eemc (1/3th of one cap) detector on, same run numbers have ftpc on
  • ppLongRamp

Production Series


pp 200 GeV ppTune trigger set, year 2003 production

only fpd detector on
  • ppTune

Production Series


pp 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, svt, fpd, ftpc, half of barrel EMC, EEMC (1/3th of one cap), one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, St_tpcdaq_Maker has been fixed in this library not to skip events if there are no tpc hits found, all other detectors processed if there are no TPC on, spin bits included in StEvent

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • ppMinBias
  • ppTrans-1
  • ppLong-1

Production Series

  • P03ie, run with library SL03e ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h ,
    has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations, new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


pp 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, svt, fpd, ftpc, half of barrel EMC, EEMC (1/3th of one cap), one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, only events which have tpc hits were reconstructed

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • ppFPDTOFu

Production Series

  • P03id, run with library SL03d , only events with found TPC hits have been processed; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ie, run with library SL03e , all events have been processed through reconstruction; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih run with library SL03h , has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


DeuteronAu 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, ftpc, fpd detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • dAuFPD

Production Series

  • P03id, run with library SL03d ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ig, run with library SL03g , has corrected ftpc calibrations; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih run with library SL03h , has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


DeuteronAu 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, ftpc, svt, fpd, half of barrel EMC, one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • dAuMinBias
  • dAuCombined
  • UPCCombined
  • dAuTOF

Production Series

  • P03ia, run with library SL03a EMC calibrations aren't correct;
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h
    has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog except for dAuMinBias
  • P04if, run with library SL04f
    more correction on ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations.


Proton-Proton 200 GeV year 2001-2002 production

tpc, ftpc, fpd, rich, quarter of barrel EMC detectors processed in reconstruction, svt hits are written, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2001 document

  • ppMinBias
  • FPDXmas
  • FPDtbEMCproduction
  • FPDEMCproduction
  • fpdTrigger
  • fpdTopBottom
  • bbcTrigger

Production Series

  • P02ge, run with library SL02e (see above for production description)
  • P03gi, ppMinBias events run with library SL02i, selected run numbers processed with track reconstruction using SVT (EST code), test production;
    REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog;
  • P03if, ppMinBias events run with library SL03f, requested by SVT group. Revised SVT calibrations, EST tracking, some problem with dEdx corrections.


AuAu 200 GeV year 2001 production

tpc, rich, ftpc, quarter of barrel EMC detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections inluded: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, space charge correction

Trigger sets, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2001 document

  • ProductionMinBias
  • MinBiasVertex
  • productionCentral
  • productionCentral600
  • productionCentral1200
  • topology

Production Series

  • P02gc,run with library SL02c
  • P02gd,run with library SL02d , few bugs in the codes have been fixed, the most important fixes related to embedding, dEdx and MuDst codes.
  • P02ge,run with library SL02e , V0 integrated in common MuDst,ftpc and svt codes developed, QA histos added, ppLMV for pp run updated, calibrations for pp run processed and put in DB.
All production series add each other and should be used in analysis for complete statistics. MuDst files from P02gc, P02gd and earler P02ge productions have been reproduced with SL02e library to fix V0 MuDst,so all MuDst files have the same structure


AuAu 20 GeV year 2001 production (Half Field data)

tpc, ftpc, quarter of EMC detectors processed in reconstruction

Trigger set

  • minBias22GeVZDC

Production Series


AuAu 130 GeV year 2000 production

tpc and rich detectors processed in reconstruction

Trigger sets

  • minbias
  • central

Production Series

  • P00hi,run with library SL00i - first and the most complete production, processed all run numbers in parallel with datataking, tpc driftvelocity calibrations produced on-fly with T0 method, production includes bad run numbers, no proper corrections;
  • P00hm, run with library SL00m , new features: improved vertex and V0 finding codes, modified RICH code, added ExB and 10th padraw corrections, several bug fixed;
  • P01he, run with library SL01e, bad dE/dx for globals, bad distortion corrections;
  • P01hi, run with library SL01i, most complete corrections: sector alignment implemented, inner/outer z offset adjusted to remove residual step between inner and outer sector, gain and local t0 corrections revisited,tpc driftvelocity calibrations recreated and put in DB, ExB shape corrections, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), clock correction, no vertex offset has been used.
All other real data productions found in FileCatalog are test or side productions by special requests, they are recorded but should not be used for physics analysis
Lidia Didenko

Datasets marked bad or unavailable

This page will list datasets we have marked as bad or unavailable with the reasons listed below.

Removed Real Data productions

Removed Real Data Productions

After the discussions with PWG the following productions/triggersets have been removed from local, NFS, HPSS (only test productions) area and FileCatalog, for reference look at the Jamie's email.

Test productions

  • P01gk - MinBiasVertex (year 2001 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P01gl - MinBiasVertex(year 2001 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P02ga - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias(run year 2001/2002);
  • P02gb - productionCentral (year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001);
  • P02gi1 - productionCentral (year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001);
  • P02gi2 - productionCentral(year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001) ;
  • P02gf - ppMinBias (year 2001/2002);
  • P02gh1 - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias (year 2001/2002), ProductionMinBias (year 2001), productionCentral (year 2001);
  • P02gh2 - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias (year 2001/2002), ProductionMinBias (year 2001), productionCentral (year 2001) ;
  • P03gi - ppMinBias (year 2001/2002);


Standard productions

  • P03ia - dAuFPD, ppLong-1 ( year 2003 run);
  • P03id - dAuFPD, ppFPDTOFu, ppMinBias, ppTrans-1 (year 2003 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run) ;
  • P03ie - dAuMinBias, ppFPDTOFu, ppLong-1, ppMinBias, ppTrans-1 (year 2003 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P03if - dAuCombined, dAuTOF, UPCCombined (year 2003 run);
  • P03ig - dAuFPD (year 2003 run) ;
  • P03ih - dAuCombined, dAuTOF, UPCCombined (year 2003 run);
  • P04ik - productionHalfHigh (year 2004 run), productionHigh (year 2004 run);
  • P04ik - productionMid, productionLow, productionMinBias (year 2004 run, express stream data );

Lidia Didenko

STAR Geometry in simulation & reconstruction

STAR First Cut and Production Geometries

Follow the link below to find the list of geometries implemented for a given year / RHIC run.  In general, the most recent version of the geometry (highest letter) should be used for simulations.   The availability of the geomtries in a given library ( or is indicated in the table.  NOTE: is preferred for all production geometries since 2006.  We do not support geometries after 2011 in the old library.

The geometry naming scheme is as follows:

Geometry tags take the form Y<year><revision> or Y<year>_<configuration><revision> where <year> is  the 4-digit year, <revision> is a single letter denoting a  different approximation of the detector in a given year, and <configuration> denotes a distinct reconfiguration of the detector.  e.g. HFT installed or out.

  • First cut geometry tags (e.g. y2010, y2011, etc... ) are the first approximation to the STAR detector, suitable for online production.  Minor changes which should not affect tracking may occur during the run.
  • Production geometry tags (e.g. y2010a, y2010b, ... y2013_1a, y2013_2a, etc...) are denoted by a trailing letter appended to the first cut tag.  Once established, these geometries will be frozen in the DEV library, forming a reference for the production which used them.  In general, the latest geometry tag will be the best approximation of the STAR detector.
  • Asymptotic geometry tags (e.g. y2004y,  y2010x, y2013_1x, y2013_2x, etc...) are tags with a trailing "X" or "Y" in their name.  These are TEST geometries, whose definition in DEV may change without notice, and should not be used in data production, simulation, embedding or offline analysis.

    starsim Big Full Chain AgiGeometry AgmlGeometry
1 y2001 geometries x x x x
2 y2002 geometries x x x x
3 y2003 geometries x x x x
4 y2004 geometries x x x x
5 y2005 geometries x x x x
6 y2006 geometries x x x x
7 y2007 geometries x x x x
8 y2008 geometries x x x x
9 y2009 geometries x x x x
10 y2010 geometries x x x x
11 y2011 geometries x x x x
12 y2012 geometries   x   x
13 y2013 geometries   x   x
14 y2014 geometries   x   x
15 y2015 geometries   x   x
16 y2016 geometries   x   x
17 y2017 geometries   x   x
18 y2018 geometries   x   x
19 y2019 geometries
  x   x
20 y2020 geometries   x   x



Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain options (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


approximation to year1





19970101 T000000
19980101 T000000
19990101 T000000
19990615 T000000
19990616 T120000
19991206 T080000


better year1

TPC, CTB, FTPC, caloPatch, RICH, no SVT




19990501 T000000


(no info)





19991001 T000000


started in summer

TPC, CONE, Al pipe




0 T000000


(no info)





19991101 T000000


even better year1

TPC, CTB,RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder




19991201 T000000


complete year1

TPC, CTB,FTPC,RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder




20000614 T175430


actual 2000

TPC, CTB, RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder, ZDC




20000614 T175430


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


old asymptotic STAR geometry

TPC, FTPC, CTB(TOF), SVT(4 layers),full CALO, *two* EMC




20010610 T000000


2001 geometry, first guess





20010501 T000000


actual 2001





20010501 T000000
20010615 T000000

New TOF tray, TOFp, on the east side in front of RICH;
EMC - Barrel Calorimeter contains 24 modules;
PMD - Forward Pion Detector as part of ECAL;


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


Actual 2003





20021115 T000000


Year2003 geometry with corrected barrel EMC and SVT layer radii





20021115 T000000


y2003a geometry with the extra material in the SVT





20021115 T000000


used for AuAu 200 GeV/c HIJING with embedded J/Psi and Upsilon simulations (year 4 study)





20021115 T000000

TPC : standard
SVT : 3 layers
EMC : half barrel
ECAL: one third of one cap, west cap
TOF: two trays, TOFp & TOFr, on the east side; TOFp tray in East Barrel at the position 32, covers about 1 unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth; TOFr tray in East Barrel at the position 23, the first full-scale MRPC prototype, covers in total ~30-40% of a unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
pVPD: at the Z positions -564.4388 (East volume) and +563.4069 (West volume), radiator is quartz;
PMD: Photon Multiplicity Detector consists of two sensitive planes of hexagonal gas detector cellsi, one layer represents Charge Particle Veto (CPV) plane and other Pre-shower plane. Cells are arranged in 12 super modules consisting of varying number of Unit modules each of 24 x 24 cells. Layers of Lead and support Iron plate is sandwiched between two sensitive layers. PMD front face is placed at a distance of 539cm from center of TPC.

year2003x is the same as year2003 but with full barrel EMC and two caps ECAL


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


Initial Year 2004





20031120 T000000


Year 2004 with some GEANT setting tuned for PMD detector to speed up simulation





20031120 T000000


Year 2004 geometry but with full barrel EMC and two caps ECAL





20031120 T000000


Year 2004a and reviewed SSD





20031120 T000000


Year 2004b geometry plus final SSD, FTPC readouts and gas corrections





20031125 T000000


Year 2004y based on the full barrel configuration of Y2004x but with geometry improvements described in y2005b, containes the correction for the structure of the TPC backplane, adding on average 20% radiation length worth of material; and the SVT copper cables mass





20031120 T000000


Year 2004c geometry updates plus updated SVT wafer geometry





20031125 T000000

TPC : standard
SVT : 3 layers
EMC : 3/4 of full barrel
ECAL: west cap
TOF: two trays, TOFp (at new location) & TOFr', on the east side;
TOFp tray in East Barrel at the position 33, covers about 1 unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
TOFr' tray in East Barrel at the position 23, new construction, the 2nd generation prototype, covers in total ~30-40% of a unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
pVPD: at the Z positions -574.5688 (East volume) and +573.5669 (West volume), radiator changed from quartz to plastic;
SSD: Silicon Strip detector contains two groups of 5 ladders ( 10 ladders in total), which centered at 6 and 12 o'clock if looking at the cross section of the detector. The tilts and angles of ladders are year-specific and described in sisdgeo.g
PMD: Photon Multiplicity Detector consists of two sensitive planes of hexagonal gas detector cell si, one layer represents Charge Particle Veto (CPV) plane and other pre-shower plane. Cells are arranged in 12 super-modules consisting of varying number of Unit modules each of 24 x 24 cells. Layers of Lead and support Iron plate is sandwiched between two sensitive layers. PMD front face is placed at a distance of 539cm from center of TPC.


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


Initial Year 2005

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20041030 T000000


Year 2005 geometry but with full barrel EMC and West endcap

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC( full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20041030 T000000


Year 2005 geometry with SVT hybrid chip definition corrected;
TPC backplane material added;
FTPC gas changed to 50%At+50%CO2;
position of 4 ladders corrected in SSD.

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20041101 T000000


Year 2005 geometry with SVT hybrid chip definition corrected;
TPC backplane material added;
FTPC gas changed to 50%At+50%CO2;
position of 4 ladders corrected in SSD;
new BTOF code

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20041201 T000000


Year 2005c geometry plus new SVT geometry

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20041201 T000001


Y2005D, but with full barrel EMC and new SSD code


TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD

Y2005e RY2005e y2005e  

20041201 T000002

y2005f Y2005E, dead area in SSD

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD

Y2005f RY2005f y2005f

20041201 T000003

y2005g y2005f geometry + SVT dead material

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD

Y2005g RY2005g y2005g

20041201 T000003

y2005h y2005g+tpc2009   y2005h ry2005h y2005h 20041201,5
y2005i y2005h+suppport material   y2005i ry2005i y2005i 20041201,5

All detectors in year 2005 have the same geometry as for year 2004 except for:
SVT - support cone: cable material added
SSD - more material added, 20 ladders
FTPC - readout cage added


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


y2005d+improved TPC backplane

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD




20051201 T000000


y2006 geometry but new FPD

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD (new), pVPD




20051201 T000001


y2006a geometry + dead area in SSD + new FPD+SSD5/CALB2

same as above but streamlined barrel EMC

Y2006b RY2006b y2006b

20051201 T000002


y2006a geometry + dead area in SSD

same as above but streamlined barrel EMC

Y2006b RY2006b y2006b

20051201 T000002


y2006 geometry + new FPD+SSD5/CALB2+noPMD

same as above but streamlined barrel EMC

Y2006c RY2006c y2006c

20051201 T000002


y2006c geometry + SVT dead material

same as above but streamlined barrel EMC

Y2006g RY2006g y2006g

20051201 T000002


y2006g geometry with added missing TPC material (TPCE04 model) plus some fixes (see below) and fixed ECAL geometry, version 6.1 ( see note at y2009a geometry)

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(streamlined barrel), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD (new), pVPD

Y2006h RY2006h y2006h

20051201 T000002

Fixes to TPC geometry:
- fixed several small extrusion / overlap issues
- fixed issue where gas volume overlapped TPC endcap, causing material to disappear


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


y2007+new FPD/FMS code, revised TOF

TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD




20061105 T000000


y2007 geometry + the material of the water channels changed to carbon

same as above

Y2007a RY2007a y2007a

20061105 T000002


y2007a geometry + SVT dead material

same as above

Y2007g RY2007g y2007g

20061105 T000002

y2007h y2007g +tpc2009   y2007h ry2007h y2007h 20061105,5



NOTE: y2008e geometry is the first geometry to have the correct EMC tracking cuts in 2008.  Calorimeter sampling fraction will be incorrect for earlier geometries (using current BEMC/EEMC slow simulators).

Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


base geometry for y2008: SVT/SSD out, cone in separate SCON

TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD




20071101 T000000


Y2008 geometry + fixes(SCON added, BTOF full)

TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD




20071101 T000001

y2008b Y2008a geometry + fixes (new ECAL model + new cuts in E/BEMC).

TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD

y2008b RY2008b y2008b

20071101 T000002

y2008c Y2008b geometry + fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD y2008c RY2008c y2008c

20071101 T000003

y2008d y2008c geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD y2008d RY2008d y2008d

20071101 T000004

y2008e y2008d geometry with correct EMC tracking cuts in calorimeters. TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD y2008e RY2008e y2008e

20071101 T000005


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


base geometry for y2009

TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS




20081215 T000000


base geometry for y2009 with fixed ECAL & TPC geometry

TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS




20081215 T000001

y2009b Identical to y2009a, except transport cuts raised in ECAL. TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS Y2009b RY2009b y2009b

20081215 T000002

y2009c y2009a plus fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS Y2009c RY2009c y2009c

20081215 T000003

y2009d y2009c geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS Y2009d RY2009d y2009d

20081215 T000004

Fixes to ECAL geometry:
- fixed several material / medium relationship problems
- fixed issue where SMD strips extruded their mother volumes
- expanded the SMD gap from 34mm to 36mm as built
- added SMD spacer layers
- added material to front and back of SMD strips
- defined and used PbAlloy and Steel mixtures, to better match material in calorimeter
- thickness of preshower layers reduced to 4.75mm as built

Fixes to TPC geometry:
- fixed several small extrusion / overlap issues
- fixed issue where gas volume overlapped TPC endcap, causing material to disappear




  • Simulation data timeline was set to begin @ 20091210 (values are expected to be from [20091210,20091214[) . Please, be sure to have this correct / corrected.
  • Real data timeline starts @ 20091214 - initialization values for Year10 real data must be at later time than this date.


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


base geometry for y2010 (y2009a+full TOF)

TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD




20091214 T000000


base geometry for y2010 (dependancy on y2009a removed)

TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD




20091214 T000001

y2010b y2010a with fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD y2010b RY2010b y2010b

20091214 T000002

y2010c y2010b geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD y2010c RY2010c y2010c 20091214 T000003




  • Simulation data timeline is proposed to begin @ 20101210. Values for the initialiation of the Year 11 timeline (simulation values) are expected to appear in the time range [20101210,20101215[
  • Real data timeline is proposed to start from 20101220. Initialization values for the RealData timeline are expected to appear at a date > 20101220.


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


base geometry for y2011

TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype), PMD




20101215 T000000


first y2011 production geometry (consistent with y2011 in SL11c and SL11d libraries)

TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype), PMD
Y2011 RY2011 y2011

20101215 T000001




Notice - available in starsim using library

  • Simulation data timeline is proposed to begin @ 20111210. Values for the initialiation of the Year 11 timeline (simulation values) are expected to appear in the time range [20111210,20101215[
  • Real data timeline is proposed to start from 20111220. Initialization values for the RealData timeline are expected to appear at a date > 20111220.

NOTE: From y2012 on, FTPC, PHMD, and SCON (aka SVT support cone) are removed.

Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)

Reco options (real)

Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


base geometry for y2012

TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype),FGT(1 full + 5 half disks), IDSM




20111215 T000000


First production geometry

TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype),FGT(1 full + 5 half disks), IDSM




20111215 T000001




Comment Geant Configuration Reco Chain Option 
Reco Options
DB Maker
y2013 base geometry for 2013 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype),FGT(full), IDSM,
PXST, HFT (...)
 y2013  ry2013  y2013 20121215 T0000000
 y2013_1  base geometry for 2013  TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype),FGT(full), IDSM,
PXST, HFT (...)
y2013_1 ry2013_1  y2013_1  20121215 T0000001
y2013_2 baseline geometry for 2013 As above with pixel detector removed y2013_2 ry2013_2 y2013_2 20121215 T0001001
First production candidate.
(1a w/ pixel.  2a without)
New cave (with walls, hole, and
crates).  New beampipe.
20121215 T0000002
20121215 T0001002
Second production candidate
(1b w/ pixel.  2b without)
Adds pixel support structures. y2013_1b
20121215 T0000003
20121215 T0001003
Actual production geometries for
y2013.  Geometry is equal to the
asymptotic geometries y2013_1x
and y2013_2x as they were
defined in SL14a.

These are the reference geometries
for production P14ia [*].

(1c w/ pixel.  2c without)
Uses version 3.1 of the TPC, which
increases the dead region in the gas
volume.  (Difference w/ b important
only for simulation).
20121215 T0000004
20121215 T0001004
[*] The P14ia dataset was produced using the asymptotic y2013_2x geometry.  The y2013_1c and y2013_2c geometries are the stable reference geometries, identical to the "x" versions of the geometries in SL14a.

Year 2014

Comment Geant Configuration Reco Chain Option 
Reco Options
DB Maker
y2014 base geometry for 2014 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (prototype), IDSM,

Removed: FMS/FPD, FGT
 y2014  ry2014  y2014 20131215 T0000000
y2014a Initial production geometry
for 2014
TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),
MTD (v5), IDSM,

Removed: FMS/FPD, FGT
 y2014a  ry2014a  y2014a 20131215 T0000001
y2014b Production geometry w/ HCAL Added HCAL prototype y2014b ry2014b y2014b 0131215 T0000002
y2014c Production geometry No HCAL.  IST updated to solve
overlap issue
y2014c ry2014c y2014c 0131215 T0000003



Year 2015

Comment Geant Configuration Reco Chain Option 
Reco Options
DB Maker
y2015 base geometry for 2015 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
 y2015  ry2015  y2015 20141215 T0000000
y2015a first production geometry TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
y2015a ry2015a y2015a 20141215 T0000001
y2015b corrections to MTD radii TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
y2015b ry2015b y2015b 20141215 T0000002
y2015c corrections to MTD radii As above y2015c ry2015c y2015c 20141215 T0000003
y2015d production geometry As above, IST fixes overlap
issue with cooling tubes (only
relevant for simu).
y2015d ry2015d y2015d 20141215 T0000003

Year 2016

Comment Geant Configuration Reco Chain Option 
Reco Options
DB Maker
y2016 base geometry for 2016 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
 y2016  ry2016  y2016 20151215 T0000000
y2016a production geometry As above.  IST geometry updated
to fix overlap issues.
y2016a ry2016a y2-16a 20151215 T0000001

Year 2017

Comment Geant Configuration Reco Chain Option 
Reco Options
DB Maker
y2017 base geometry for 2017 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
pVPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
 y2017  ry2017  y2017 20161215 T0000000
y2017a production geometry 2017 TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC,
EMC(full barrel- streamlined),
ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1),
VPD (latest v.),

FMS + FMS preshower
y2017a ry2017a y2017a 20161215 T0000001



Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)


Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


2018 first approximation

BBC (inner only)




20171215 T000002

y2018a y2018a physics production version A TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON

iTPC not planned for physics production, and not included in this model.
 y2018a  ry2018a  y2018a  

20171215 T000003

y2018b y2018b physics production version B TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, FXT y2018b ry2018b y2018b

20171215 T000004

y2018c y2018c physics and embedding, FXT @ measured position TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, FXT y2018c ry2018c y2018c

20171215 T000005

y2018x 2018 experimental Above + experimental TPC geometry mdel y2018x ry2018x y2018x

20171215 T000000



Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)


Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


2019 first approximation

BBC (inner only)

iTPC upgrade




20181215 T000000


y2019a physics production version A
TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade  y2019a  ry2019a  y2019a  

20181215 T000001

y2019b y2019b physics and embedding production (FXT @ measured position) TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade y2019b ry2019b y2019b

20181215 T000002


Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)


Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


2020 first approximation

BBC (inner only)





20191215 T000000


y2020a physics production version A
TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade  y2020a  ry2020a  y2020a  

20191215 T000001

y2020b y2020b physics and embedding production FXT @ correct position TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade y2020b ry2020b y2020b

20191215 T000002

Asymptotic (development)

Geant Geometry


Geant Configuration

Reco Chain option (simu)


Db Maker flag

Time Stamp


new (currently frozen) complete STAR geometry





0 T000000

Jason Webb, Lidia Didenko, Victor Perevoztchikov & Jérôme Lauret



This document describes the arguments for bfcca located in $STAR_SCRIPTS, a production script interface to the CRS reconstruction software and bfc.C. Please, refer to this page for the syntax of a job description ; this document will assume you are accustom to the syntax and will only describe the features implemented in bfcca itself.

bfcca is a script interface which handles running a chain, running a calibration pass and/or a chain and moving data to its final location. It includes features such as writ ting to local disk during run, log file compression, displaying information about the node the job runs on etc ... and will later be extended with automatic insertion of information in a FileCatalog.


Module requirements

This perl wrapper requires a few perl module, most of which are installed by default unless specified otherwise in the below list. If anything goes wrong with loading a module, please, check that you are using the proper perl version and have the modules installed.

use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Digest::MD5;

Digest:MD5;                             this one is to be checked and is not installed by default ...

General options

The arguments of this script are as follows:

  1. int An option-mask
    The mask has the following meaning





    IO mode

    0 regular IO (immediate/un-buffered)
    1 delayed STD IO (+1)

    2 Tag file copy  0 No copy
    1 Copy file to /star/data20/tags (+2)


    Code Optimization

    0 non-optimized
    1 optimized (+4)



    00 uncompressed STDOUT/STDERR
    01 compressed STDOUT (+8)
    10 compressed STDERR (+16)

    6-7 Copy files to DD

    00 Not going to copy any file to DD
    01 only picodst file will be copied to DD (+32)
    10 only mudst file will be copied to DD (+64)
    11 both, picodst and mudst files will be copied to DD (+96)
    8 32-bit vs. 64-bit
    0 32-bit
    1 64-bit (+128)
    Since this variable is a bitmask, you need to sum the options altogether. For example, if you want to chose delayed IO mode (+1) along with running in optimized mode (+4) and have the output compressed for both STDOUT (+8) and STDERR (+16), your final option is therefore 0+1+4+8+16=29.
  2. string a libVersion
    Can be one of dev, new, pro, old or any version understood by the starver command (for example, SL01l or 01l are both valid. There is a second syntax for the library version using some special values :
    1. cal. This pseudo-version will make the script to use what is compiled in the test-calibration area /afs/ in conjunction with the dev area.
    2. An extension and a more general syntax for this mode is the use of Version-cal . This syntax allows to use the cal area in conjunction with ANY library Version. However, the Version in this case MUST be a fully specified library version. For example, SL02b-cal is valid but new-cal is NOT valid.
  3. string a destination path A path where the produced output stream have to be moved. Note the following side effects :
    outputstreamtype outputdir destination Effect
    UNIX . i.e. local directory . Output streams will will be ignored and lost
    UNIX . PATH Output streams will be created on local disk and then moved to the final destination $PATH
    HPSS HPSSPATH . or ./ The choice of a local directory for $PATH will lead to ignore moving the outputstream. The files will be saved in HPSS only.
    HPSS HPSSPATH PATH Output streams will be copied to HPSS in $HPSSPATH, in $HPSSPATH the base string /home/starreco will be substituted by $PATH. This means that $PATH only needs to specify a disk name (such as /star/data18). The directory thereafter /home/starreco will be preserved as-is on disk

    The PATH syntax may be specified as a range. A range specification has one restriction: it has to follow the following syntax (which may happen at any place in the specified string): ANY(character)+"+"+#number+”-”+#number+ANY(character). For example, the following path specifies ranges
    /star/data+14-15 : Any disk between /star/data14 to /star/data15 will be picked
    /star/data+23-27/reco : the number may appear anywhere and the final path will be any of /star/dataXX/reco where XX stands for a number between 23 and 27.
    The algorithm is a random picking of a disk with occupancy below 98%. If this threshold criteria is not met, the disk with the largest available space is chosen. Note that the destination choice is made only at the end of the processing.
  4. A number of event description. This input takes 2 form :
    (1) int the number-of-events to run 0 or -1 both have the meaning of all events i.e. bfcca will internally set the number of events as being large so the chain will cover all events recorded in a daq file.
    (2) int1-int2 (i.e. With a dash in between) will tell bfcca to run bfc.C from event int1 to event int2.
  5. string the chain-option(s)
    a list of chain options ...

Later, we needed to extend this wrapper with some special features so the input (5) has been reshaped to accept special characters triggering special treatments. In those cases, all of the other options are shifted. It is better explained in the examples below but for now, let's review the possibilities in the next table:

Special Character Mode Expected arguments
 / Alternate script mode The next argument after "/" will be a script to run instead of bfc.C, all subsequent arguments will be passed to that script as is. Note : string arguments will passed stringified. You should NOT add quotes around strings. Short example:
25,dev,/star/data05,-1,/,StMuDstMaker.C,0,1,1000, st_physics_2270049_raw_0088.event.root
The disadvantage of this mode is that you have to pass the arguments known a-priori (which breaks the philosophy of a job description)
+ Alternate script mode with periodic input The next argument after the "+" will be an input periodicity or modulo. What it will do is call the script with all of the other argument but the last which will be replaced by the input given as per the job description. In other words, it will loop on all inputs and call the script separately for each call. The periodicity is used to take one input every 'period'.
For example, if your chain needs to only read and scan over an event.root file BUT requires the presence of a tags.root file, the periodicity you would use is 2 .
@ Alternate script with fixed generic output filename. In this mode, arguments before the "@" are passed as expected and must be specified as usual .
After "@", the expected arguments are the name of a script to run instead of bfc.C following by an argument which will be used as the very last argument of your script. Typically, this could be a an output filename which will be passed as the last argument to the script.
An example is given in the below example list ...
~ Addiitonal setup scripts may be run. This mode is intended for passing additional setup commands to bfc before running the jobs. All arguments until the next "~" will be considered as setup options. In addition, arguments will have any "-" replaced by space. The chain options will resume normally afterward. An example is provided below.

Examples :

  • 1,dev,/star/data13/reco/dev/2001/11,-1,P2001a
    The option-mask is 1 i.e. the first bit is at 1 that is the standard outputs will be used in delayed mode (the output will appear only after the job ends).
    The libVersion is dev which means that we will be running from stardev
    The destination is a fully specified path. Without looking at the full job description, difficult to see whatit will do. In this job, the outputdir were chosen to be . which means that first, the files will be produced on the reconstruction farm local disk and only after, moved to the exact location /star/data13/reco/dev/2001/11
    number-of-events is -1 so all events from inputfile will be processed
    The chain-option is PP2001

  • 1,eval,/star/data13/reco/dev/2011/XX,-1,~,gcc-4.51,~,P2011
    This example is indentical to the previous one in nature except that the "~" mode is used. Before executing the chain P2011 and switching to the eval area, the command "setup gcc 4.51" will be executed, changing the compiler version and envrionment to be used. Please, be sure to verify which setup command exists in STAR.

  • 5,SL01k,/star/data18,-1,ry2001,DbV1107,in,tpc_daq,tpc,rich,l3onl,Physics, Kalman,AlignSectors,Cdst,tags,Tree,evout,ExB,OBmap,OClock,OPr13,OTwist
    The option-mask is 5, that is 1+4. 1 is delayed IO as before, +4 is ton run the code in optimised mode
    The libVersion is SL01k so the code will run from the SL01k library version
    The destination is here a disk path /star/data18. In this job, the outputdir where specified as HPSS file (i.e. outputstreamtype were HPSS) so the path specified by outputdir will be substituted. For example, an HPSS path such as /home/starreco/reco/productionCentral/ReversedHalfField/P01gk/2001/308 will lead to store the file on local disk as wel in the (in our example) /star/data18/reco/productionCentral/ReversedHalfField/P01gk/2001/308
    number-of-events is -1 ; as in the preceeding example, all available events will be processed. There several chain-options chosen here. All will be passed as-is to bfc.C.
  • 5,SL01k,.,-1,p2001
    Comparing to the preceeding example, there are 2 changes :
    The destination path is chosen as being a local path .. When this jobs ends, storage to HPSS will be done but there will be NO copy of the outputstream anywhere.
    In addition, a reduced chain p2001 is chosen.
  • 25,dev,/star/data05,-1,+,2,StMuDstMaker.C,0,1,1000,-
    The option-mask is set to 25 which is 16+8+1 i.e. both standard input and output will be compressed and all IO to those files will be made in delayed mode. Then, the final disk destination is chosen to be /star/data05 .
    The mode used is "+" indicating a periodicity mode. Periodicity applies to the input you have selected for the job description and is specified on the next argument. However, the script to be run is the next argument and in this case, StMuDstMaker.C . This script will be called with arguments 0,1,1000 and the last argument "-" will be replaced by each input file modulo, 2 in our case. This means that only one inut every two will be passed to the selected script and replace the the last argument "-". This mode may be used if your script requires only one file as input but requires the presence of other files (this is common in STAR as the IOMaker assumes and checks for the presence of other files based on the chain options used and the extensions).

  • 25,dev,/star/data05/,2001-3000,@,bfc.C,GenericOutName.root,dAuMDC,tofsim,beamLine
    The first part of the options is as in the previous example.
    Inspecting the options further, we use the special flag "@" which is documentedin the above table as being the alternate script mode with fixed generic output filename. However, the next argument is bfc.C (still) in this exmaple (nothing prevents us from running bfc.C as alternate script). The next argument is GenericOutName.root. This argument will be passed to bfc.C as the last argument. The chain is befing dAuMDC,tofsim,beamLine used otherwise. In other words, what will be run is
    This could be used to (for example), run over a large input file and split the reconstructions in sequence of events. In our example, we run on events 2001 to 3000 and select the output filename (no automated generation of output filename).


  • Delayed IO mode should be always used. This avoid useless NFS traffic during running. In this mode, both log and error file appears created in stdoutdir and stderrdir directories respectively. However, the real content will be visible only after a job ends. Before this happens, the job is NFS problems insensitive (see above for more information).
  • If the output streams are of the UNIX type, a local directory syntax should be used for the same reason of avoiding NFS traffic during run time.
  • The copy of a file to its final destination only occurs at the end of a job. Several things here one needs to know : first, the directory tree is automatically created ; there is NO NEED to pre-create the directory tree. Second, if an NFS problem occurs before the job ends, bfcca will not be able to see the directory of the file final destination. bfcca will retry the copy every 2 minutes for a total of 24 hours after which, it will give up and display an Error message.
  • In case of a copy to a 100% full disk, bfcca will currently fail to copy the file and WILL NOT retry. Later, we will modify the script to include a detection of this condition.
  • Compression is done using gzip. Currently, only compression of the standard output is supported. This will be extended to the standard error as well later. Note that if the gzip does not exists on the machine where the job is running, bfcca will revert to un-compressed IO mode.

Setting up an alternate DB server or loadBalancer

In principle, the presence of $HOME/dbServers.xml would make our software pick this file as database configuration file. However, on the CRS nodes, the $HOME directory of the starreco is not its regular home-directory. bfcca will however respect this mechanism by using the STDB_SERVERS environment variable and setting it to the appropriate value.

In addition, note that bfcca if provided with an input file of type UNIX with a name matching /Loadbalancer/, this file will be ignored to first order except that the environment variable DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG will be over-written with the file name as value. For more information on this variable, consult Configuration File. When this mechanism is enabled, the use of $HOME/dbServers.xml as a possibility is by-passed.



This example would indicate to bfcca to ignore this input to first order (it will not be passed to the executable) and consider the file dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_nightly.xml located in /afs/ as an alternate configuration file for running.

<br />

Calibration pass or calibration directory usage

In addition, bfcca has the ability of running a calibration pass before a run pass or create a calibration directory on the farm local disk (or via a soft-link to an NFS area). Note that a single calibration pass alone may be accomplished by using the regular options and the appropriate chain-option(s). The mechanism is described as follow :

If one of the inputdir of type UNIX contains the string StarDb, this input is ignored and the inputfile is parsed. Several cases are then possible, in all cases, the file specified by inputfile MUST exists (remember that a staging is done for all input streams and, in the case of UNIX staging, the file presence is required).

  • Any value : the inputfile is ignored and a directory ./StarDb is created as a soft-link to inputdir in the local directory where the job will be running. Therefore, the full chain (the only yhing which will be running in this case) will be using the calibration files located in $inputdir/StarDb if any.
  • A value prefixed by Pre (example : PreTpcT0)
    The content of the inputfile is read. A calibration pass will run PRIOR from running the chain. This pre-pass will use the chain as EXACTLY specified in the inputfile. The later specified chain-option(s) specified by executableargs will be used for the regular chain. A local directory ./StarDb will also be created using a soft-link.
  • A value prefixed by One (example : OneSpaceCharge)
    This is almost the same than the previous case but the ./StarDb directory will be created locally to the node where the job will run (no soft-link involved here). The result of the calibration pass will be lost as the job description require that the file to be saved are known by name at submission time. This is typically used for a pass requiring a seed.
  • A value prefixed by Opt (example : OptTpcT0)
    As before, the content of inputfile will be used for the calibration options AND a local directory ./StarDb will be created. However, the chain-option(s) will be completely ignored and ONLY a calibration pass will be run.
    This mode can be replaced by a single dedicated pass using the appropriate chain-option(s) and ignoring the output streams.



In this example, inputfile is pre-fixed by Pre so a pre-calibration pass is requested. A local directory ./StarDb will be created and remain for the duration of the run (calibration and real-chain execution), the content of the file /star/data13/reco/StarDb/PreTpcT0 used as the calibration options. In the above example, the content was simply in TpcT0 RY2001 so the calibration pass would use those options.


In the above example, the CRS node needs to see the file /star/data13/reco/StarDb/PreTpcT0 for the staging to be a success. The job may fail in case of NFS problems. This IS NOT a misfeature but an advantage since it would be hazardous to have the job move along in case of NFS problems (jobs would inconsistently be running a calibration pass or not).

Displayed information and messages

bfcca displays some informative messages about the job before and after a chain is executed. The header of each log file will contain a tabulated summary information showing the chain options you have asked, the requested output streams name (initial and as it should be at the end) as well as information about the node, CPU speed, directory where the job is running, node it is running on etc ...

After the header, the messages are of the form

bfcca:: Severity: message

where Severity can be on of Info, Warning or Error. Messages related to copying files are for example of Severity=Info, missing files (chain did not produce what was declared in the job description) are of the kind Severity=Warning while any failure (directory creation, file cleaning etc ...) are considered Error. Note that on Severity=Error are displayed in the error file (STDERR) while others are displayed in the log file (STDOUT).


Run 2009 pp 500GeV data production

Last update on 2010-06-21

st_W stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
physics2009_early_b 7.4K P09ig 2009-12-30
production2009_500GeV 175.6K P09ig 2009-12-30
production2009_500Gev_25 1.6K P09ig 2009-12-30
production2009_500Gev_b 121.9K P09ig 2009-12-30
production2009_500Gev_c 1.3M P09ig 2009-12-30
production2009_500GeV_carl 13.2K P09ig 2009-12-30
teest2009_carl_b 18.4K P09ig 2009-12-30
test2009_carl 18.9K P09ig 2009-12-30
test2009_carl_hi_thr 5.9K P09ig 2009-12-30
testtier0325 1.3K P09ig 2009-12-30
Total = 1.56M events

st_physics stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_500GeV 6.6M P09ig 2010-01-18
production2009_500Gev_25 67.2K P09ig 2010-01-18
production2009_500Gev_b 296.5K P09ig 2010-01-18
production2009_500Gev_c 60.2M P09ig 2010-01-18
production2009_500GeV_carl 698.2K P09ig 2010-01-18
Total = 67.8M events      

st_zerobias stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_500Gev_c/b 246K P09ig 2010-06-20

Run 2009 pp 200GeV data production

Last update on 2010-06-14

st_mtd stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
Total = 2.38M events      

st_upsilon stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 1.16M P10ic 2010-03-15
production2009_200Gev_Hi 191K P10ic 2010-03-15
production2009_200Gev_noendcap 27K P10ic 2010-03-15
Total = 1.38M events      

st_hlt stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 1.38M P10ic 2010-03-17
Total = 1.38M events      

st_gamma stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 13.3M P10ic 2010-03-28
production2009_200Gev_Hi 2.6M P10ic 2010-03-28
production2009_200Gev_noendcap 214K P10ic 2010-03-28
Total = 16.1M events      

st_zerobias stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 2.09M P10ic 2010-06-07
production2009_200Gev_Hi 243K P10ic 2010-06-09
production2009_200Gev_Lo 65K P10ic 2010-06-12
production2009_200Gev_noendcap/nocal 65K P10ic 2010-06-07
commission2009_200Gev_Hi/Lo 26K P10ic 2010-05-30
Total = 2.5M      

st_minbias stream data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
pp2pp_Production2009 13.3M P10ic 2010-03-20
pp2pp_VPDMB 11.7M P10ic 2010-03-20
pp2ppStrawMan 18K P10ic 2010-03-20
Total = 25M events      

st_physics data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 468M P10ic 2010-05-03
production2009_200Gev_Hi 65M P10ic 2010-04-28
production2009_200Gev_Lo 32M P10ic 2010-04-20
production2009_200Gev_nocal 6.3M P10ic 2010-04-17
production2009_200Gev_noendcap 5.7M P10ic 2010-04-27
low_luminosity2009 4.8M P10ic 2010-04-26
tof_production2009_single 68K P10ic 2010-03-30
tof_prepost_himult 230K P10ic 2010-04-02
Total = 582M events      
zdc_polarimetry 370M P10ic 2010-06-14
productionZDCpolarimetry 1.0M P10ic 2010-05-17
vpd_minbias 1.56M P10ic 2010-05-14
commission2009_200Gev_Hi 3.8M P10ic 2010-05-26
commission2009_200Gev_Lo 2.1M P10ic 2010-05-26

st_fmsfast data

Trigger set number of events production series date of completion
production2009_200Gev_Single 251M P10ic 2010-05-08
production2009_200Gev_Hi 45.4M P10ic 2010-05-08
production2009_200Gev_Lo 220K P10ic 2010-05-08
production2009_200Gev_nocal 2.9M P10ic 2010-05-08
production2009_200Gev_noendcap 5.5M P10ic 2010-05-08
tof_production2009_single 80K P10ic 2010-04-01
commission2009_200Gev_Hi/Lo 902K P10ic 2010-04-01
Total = 306M events      

pp2pp st_physics data

pp2pp_Production2009 58.2M P10ic 2010-03-19
pp2ppStrawMan 98K P10ic 2010-03-21
pp2pp_VPDMB 1.5K P10ic 2010-03-19
Total = 58M events      


Run 2010 AuAu 7.7GeV - 200GeV data production

Last update on 2011-06-13

Trigget set: AuAu200_production

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_hlt 16.0M P10ih Done on 2010-06-18
Total 16M      

Trigger set: AuAu62_production

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_hlt 4.4M P10ih Done on 2010-06-20
Total 4.4M      

Trigger set: AuAu39_production ( 30M events request + all st_ht & st_upc )

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 22.0M P10ih Done on 2010-09-20
st_hlt 105K P10ih Done on 2010-09-17
st_ht 13.6M P10ih Done on 2010-09-20
st_mtd 85K P10ih Done on 2010-09-17
st_monitor 194K P10ih Done on 2010-09-17
st_pmdftp 6.2M P10ih Done on 2010-09-19
st_zerobias 42K P10ih Done on 2010-09-17
st_upc 390K P10ih Done on 2010-09-19
Total 42.5M      

Trigger set: AuAu7_production

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 99.4M P10ih Done on 2010-09-10
st_hlt 4.6M P10ih Done on 2010-09-09
st_ht 2.9M P10ih Done on 2010-09-09
st_mtd 868K P10ih Done on 2010-09-09
st_monitor 14.7M P10ih Done on 2010-09-09
st_pmdftp 188K P10ih Done on 2010-09-01
st_zerobias 1.3M P10ih Done on 2010-09-07
Total 124.0M      

Trigger set: AuAu11_production

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 55.4M P10ih Done on 2010-09-10
st_hlt 7.4M P10ih Done on 2010-09-08
st_mtd 400K P10ih Done on 2010-09-08
st_monitor 3.0M P10ih Done on 2010-09-08
st_zerobias 429K P10ih Done on 2010-09-08
Total 67M      

Trigger set: AuAu200_production P10ij reproduction in P10ik is ongoing

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 118.3M P10ij 2010-12-20
st_ht 19.1M P10ij removed
st_gamma 1.2M P10ij 2010-12-20
st_upc 14M P10ij 2010-12-20
st_pmdftp 5.2M P10ij 2010-12-20
Total 143M      

Trigger set: AuAu200_production with fixed BSMDe mapping, complete dataset

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 699M P10ik 2011-06-12
st_ht 59.5M P10ik 2011-02-08
st_gamma 5.2M P10ik 2011-05-31
st_upc 38.2M P10ik 2011-06-08
st_mtd 14.7M P10ik 2011-04-03
st_atomcules 16.7M P10ik 2011-04-03
st_hlt 16M P10ik 2011-03-06
st_pmdftp 5.3M P10ik 2011-05-16
st_upsilon 167K P10ik 2011-03-07
st_zerobias 2.0M P10ik 2011-06-07
Total 857M      

Trigger set: AuAu39_production, remaining + P10ih rerun.

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 257M P10ik 2011-04-11
st_hlt 1.4M P10ik 2011-04-11
st_ht 13.6M P10ik 2011-04-11
st_upc 376K P10ik 2011-04-11
st_mtd 1.4M P10ik 2011-04-11
st_monitor 6.6M P10ih 2011-04-11
st_pmdftp 23.3M P10ik 2011-04-11
st_zerobias 522K P10ik 2011-04-11
Total 304M      

Trigger set: AuAu62_production

Stream data number of events production series date of completion
st_physics 190M P10ik 2011-04-28
st_hlt 4.4M P10ik 2011-04-26
st_ht 33.1M P10ik 2011-04-28
st_atomcules 1.3M P10ik 2011-04-27
st_monitor 25M P10ik 2011-04-28
st_mtd 3.3M P10ik 2011-04-26
st_upc 3.2M P10ik 2011-04-26
st_pmdftp 3.2M P10ik 2011-04-28
st_zerobias 628K P10ik 2011-04-26
Total 264M