Online to Offline migration monitoring



If all entries are red - chances are we are not running - or there is a
gap between runs e.g., a beam dump.
In this case please check the last run and or/time with the RunLog or
Shift Log to confirm that the last run was migrated (This was most
likely the case last night).

If one entry is red - please be sure that the latest value is _recent_
as some dbs are filled by hand once a year.

So we have a problem if ....
If an entry is red, other values are green, the of the red last value
was recent.
All values are red and you know we have been taking data for more than
.75 hours, This a rough estimate of time, but keep in mind migration of
each db happens at different time intervals so entries won't turn red
all at once nor will they turn green all at once. In fact RICH scalars
only get moved once an hour so it will not be uncommon to see this red
for a while after we just start taking data.

code is on (formerly was on onllinux6.starp):

Below is an output of cron tab to start the processes uncomment the crons in stardbs cron tab

Times of transfers are as follows:
1,41 * * * * TpcGas
0,15,30,45 * * * * Clock

5,20,35,50 * * * * RDO

10,40 * * * * FTPCGAS

15 * * * * FTPCGASOUT

0,30 * * * * Trigger

25 * * * * TriggerPS

10,40 * * * * BeamInfo

15 * * * * Magnet

3,23,43 * * * * MagFactor

45 * * * * RichScalers

8,24,44 * * * * L0Trigger

6,18,32,48 * * * * FTPCVOLTAGE

10,35,50 * * * * FTPCTemps

check the log file in ../log to make sure the crons are moving data.

Backups of migration scripts and crontab are located here :
