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Starting up a Globus Virtual Workspace with STAR’s image.
Updated on Tue, 2008-12-30 16:30. Originally created by lbhajdu on 2008-07-31 21:11.
The steps:
1) login to stargrid01
2) Check that your ssh public key is at $home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. This will be the key the client package copies to the gatekeeper and client nodes under the root account allowing local password free login as root, which you will need to install grid host certs.
a. Note the file name location must be as defined exactly as above or you must modify the path and name in the client configuration at ./workspace-cloud-client-009/conf/cloud.properties (more on this later).
b. If your using a Putty generated ssh public key it will not work directly. You can simply edit it with a text editor to get it in to this format. Below is an example of the right format A and the wrong format B. If it has multiple lines then it is the wrong format.
Right format A:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAySIkeTLsijvh1U01ass8XvfkBGocUePTkuG2F8TwRilq1gIcuTP5jBFSCF0eYXOpfNcgkujIsRj/+xS1QqM7c5Fs0hrRyLzyxgZrCKeXojVUFYfg9QuokqoY2ymgjxAdwNABKXI2IKMvM0UGBtmxphCuxUSUpMzNfmWk9H4HIrE= |
Wrong format B:
---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- Comment: "imported-openssh-key" AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAySIkeTLsijvh1U01ass8XvfkBGocUePTkuG2 F8TwRilq1gIcuTP5jBFSCF0eYXOpfNcgkujIsRj/+xS1QqM7c5Fs0hrRyLzyxgZr CKeXojVUFYfg9QuokqoY2ymgjxAdwNABKXI2IKMvM0UGBtmxphCuxUSUpMzNfmWk 9H4HIrE= ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- |
3) Get the grid client. By copying the folder /star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009 to your area. It is recommended you execute your commands from inside the workspace-cloud-client-009. The manual describes all commands and paths relative to this directory, I will do the same.
a. This grid client is almost the same as the one you download from globus except it has the ./samples/star1.xml, which is configured to load STAR’s custom image.
4) cp to the workspace-cloud-client-009 and type:
./bin/grid-proxy-init.sh -hours 100 |
The output should look like this:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/> ./bin/grid-proxy-init.sh (Overriding old GLOBUS_LOCATION '/opt/OSG-0.8.0-client/globus') (New GLOBUS_LOCATION: '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/lib/globus') Your identity: DC=org,DC=doegrids,OU=People,CN=Levente B. Hajdu 105387 Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity: Creating proxy, please wait... Proxy verify OK Your proxy is valid until Fri Aug 01 06:19:48 EDT 2008 |
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5.) To start the cluster type:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --run --hours 1 --cluster samples/star1.xml |
Two very important things you will want to make a note of from this output are the cluster handle (usually looks something like “cluster-025”) and the gatekeeper name. It will take about 10minutes to lunch this cluster. The cluster will have one gatekeeper and one worker node. The max life time of the cluster is set in the command line arguments, more parameters are in the xml file (you will want to check with Tim before changing these).
If the command hangs up really quickly (about a minute) and says something like “terminating cluster”, this usually means that you do not have a sufficient number of slots to run.It should look something like this:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/> ./bin/cloud-client.sh --run --hours 1 --cluster samples/star1.xml
5) But hold on you can’t submit yet even thought the grid map file has our DNs in it, the gatekeeper is not trusted. We will need to install an OSG host cert on the other side. Not just anybody can do this. Doug and Leve can do this at least (and I am assuming Wayne). Open up another terminal and logon into the newly instantiated gatekeeper as root. Example here:
[lbhajdu@rssh03 ~]$ ssh root@tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu The authenticity of host 'tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is e3:a4:74:87:9e:69:c4:44:93:0c:f1:c8:54:e3:e3:3f. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Last login: Fri Mar 7 13:08:57 2008 from |
6) Create a .globus directory:
[root@tp-x009 ~]# mkdir .globus |
7) Go back to the stargrid node and copy over your grid cert and key:
[stargrid01] ~/.globus/> scp usercert.pem root@tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu:/root/.globus [stargrid01] ~/.globus/> scp userkey.pem root@tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu:/root/.globus |
8) Move over to /etc/grid-security/ on the gate keeper:
cd /etc/grid-security/ |
9) Create a host cert here:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# cert-gridadmin -host 'tp-x002.ci.uchicago.edu' -email lbhajdu@bnl.gov -affiliation osg -vo star -prefix tp-x009
10) Change right on the credentialed:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# chmod 644 tp-x009cert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# chmod 600 tp-x009key.pem |
11) Delete the old host credentialed:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# rm hostcert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# rm hostkey.pem |
12) Rename the credentials:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# mv tp-x009cert.pem hostcert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# mv tp-x009key.pem hostkey.pem |
13) Check grid functionality back on stargrid01
[stargrid01] ~/admin_cert/> globus-job-run tp-x009.ci.uchicago.edu /bin/date Thu Jul 31 18:23:55 CDT 2008 |
14) Do your grid work
15) When its time for the cluster to go down (if there is unused time remaining) run the below command. Note that you will need the cluster handle from the command used to bring up the cluster.
./bin/cloud-client.sh --terminate --handle cluster-025 |
If there are problems:
If there are problems try this web page:
If there are still problems try this mailing list:
If there are still problems contact Tim Freeman (tfreeman at mcs.anl.gov).
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