I have three items for the agenda, please send your
contribution to the list.
1) Blind production for Alignment software resolution estimate
1) Yesterday we had an EVO meeting (Jonathan, Jason, Flemming
and I) on geometry.
2) This Sunday/Monday there is the HF Workshop and HFT meeting
1) UCLA Comments: click here
2) Pusan University Comments: see messge
1. Run 13, what to expect - Wlodek
1) UCLA Comments: click here
2) Pusan University Comments: see messge
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: <
1) UCLA Comments: click here
2) Pusan University Comments: see messge
We need to get updates on several aspects on the geometry + offline chain for the upcoming production.
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR
1) this past Monday Flemming/Jason/Jonathan and I had a
meeting at BNL on geometry. Jonathan will summarize
1) Start test(pre-) production using dev14. There is still
a glitch in tracking but Jonathan is working on it and