The focus of this meeting will be discussing the STAR analyses and presentations that are going to be presented at the QM2012 conference in the following week.
The focus of this meeting will be discussing the STAR analyses and presentations that are going to be presented at the QM2012 conference in the following week.
The focus of this meeting will be discussing the STAR analyses and presentations that are going to be presented at the QM2012 conference in the following week.
We will have a meeting tomorrow. Agenda items:
1) There was a workshop with the GSI/Frankfurt people on
CA-tracking in HFT. There was a presentation yesterday in
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, August 29, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics. Here are the topics:
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR
1) Is time slot OK for the new semester?
2) e+p simulations with iTPC (Ming Shao)
3)Update on FCS progress and simulations (Huan et al.)
We will have our weekly meeting Wedensday, Sept. 5, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics.
EVO: Title: STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:
We have a busy agenda for tomorrow so let's be concise. In random order:
1) Jonathan update on DEV14/Alignment chain