--- Agenda ---
1) Au+Au 200GeV production -- production started yesterday
1) News - Run15
2) The beautiful D0 plot by Xin from the preproduction is posted by Flemming here (not for public use though):
1) run14 production status and next in priority discussions
2) run15 status
3) BUR
- HFT goals in pAu
1. Rho analysis - Ramiro
2. pA Triggers - Igor
3. 2014 QA
4. upcoming meetings
5. AOB - let us know
1) News - Run15 progress
2) Embedding: changes needed to make clean copies for each subsystem [Amilkar], timeline
1) production status and next priorities
2) production/analyses preparation for QM15
3) run15 status (optimization?)
1) News - Run15 progress
2) Production-14 QA/Analysis
3) SSD workshop at BNL 4/24/2015 with an Embedding get-together on 4/23 afternoon
4) AOB
1) production status and next priority
D0 peak to be shown at April 11 APS meeting by Howard
from the official production.
- Longgituninal pp run - trigger projections
- Trigger summary for pAu
Rates, what's new
1. CEP in run 15 - Rafal
1) run14 production
D0 signal for PR
2) run15 status
--- Editorial Board Agenda April 14, 2015 ---