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« Friday May 24, 2019 »
Start: 2019-05-24 08:30

1. SDU status: Chi Yang

2. BNL status: Isaac, Tonko, Prashanth
cosmic ray test in the clean room,
access on 05/22

Start: 2019-05-24 09:30
End: 2019-05-24 11:30

1. Run18 data production QA
- AuAu27 GeV by LFSUPC
- AuAu27 GeV by BulkCorr

Start: 2019-05-24 12:00

1. run plan after 14.5GeV (June 4th) 
2. BUR and PAC talks 
3. isobar production and blinding analyses
4. pre-QM meeting in Qingdao downtown