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Conference talk KFParticle + TMVA with HFT for D0 & D+ yfzhang STAR Protected 2012-08-03 01:14
Conference talk D0 Updates in Au+Au 200 GeV (EVO) yfzhang STAR Protected 2012-08-03 01:13
Conference talk D0/D* in p+p 500 GeV yfzhang STAR Protected 2012-08-03 01:12
Conference talk NPE-h in p+p 500 GeV (EVO) yfzhang STAR Protected 2012-08-03 01:10
Conference session Heavy Flavor PWG parallel session (I) yfzhang STAR Protected 2012-08-03 01:08
Meeting talk Update on Analysis (updated after the talk on July 18, 2012) plyku114 STAR Protected 2012-08-02 17:29
Conference session Conveners - Management Lunch Meeting dongx 2012-08-02 09:36
Conference talk Papers discussion fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 19:15
Conference talk QM talk: Forward+near-forward azimuthal correlations in p+p and d+Au collisions at 200 GeV at STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 19:14
Conference talk Coffe Break fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 19:08
Conference talk QM talk: Measurements of the Correlation between Reconstructed Jets and the Reaction Plane in STAR at RHIC fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 19:06
Conference talk QM poster: Observation of identical near-side jet-like correlations in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at low trigger pT by STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 19:03
Conference session Jet-like Correlations Parallel Session II fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:43
Conference talk Update on Proton/Pion ratios in jets (EVO) fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:39
Conference talk QM poster: Jet-like correlations from d+Au to Au+Au collisions measured by STAR, using back-to-back leading hadrons fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:37
Conference talk Coffee Break fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:35
Conference talk QM poster: Investigating the ridge structure in Δη-Δϕ correlations at STAR fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:33
Conference talk QM poster: Two-particle correlations on transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions (EVO) fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:30
Conference session Jet-like Correlations Parallel Session I fqwang STAR Protected 2012-08-01 18:27
Conference talk BBQ+Soccer (Ball Field) wanghui6 2012-08-01 15:44
STAR Note PSN0565 : Technical note for BES PID v2 papers aschmah 2012-08-01 13:21
Meeting talk AOB jeromel 2012-08-01 09:17
Meeting talk PPV and KFVertex performance comparison based on simulation for y2011 & y2012 pp200 with pile-up jeromel 2012-08-01 09:16
Meeting Software and Computing Meeting jeromel Software and Computing 2012-08-01 09:15
Conference talk Discussions on publications hmasui 2012-07-31 19:25