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Blog entry missing TPC FEE in UPGR15 balewski 2008-06-25 22:02
Blog entry Orpheus Mall Research Log omall 2008-06-25 20:47
STAR Theses Statistical Model in Heavy Ion Collisions and Readout Electronics for Heavy Flavor Tracker dongx 2008-06-25 17:53
STAR Note CPSN0455 : FTPC sub-system review, 2008 testadmin 2008-06-25 17:13
STAR Note CPSN0454 : Report of the FTPC Review Committee, 2004 jeromel 2008-06-25 17:00
Image Gamma candidate EEMC pre-shower 1 energy (3x3 cluster) seluzhen 2008-06-25 16:24
Book page Simple tests -- hdparm and dd wbetts 2008-06-25 16:15
Book page Disk IO testing, comparative study 2008 wbetts 2008-06-25 13:04
Blog entry problem with BTOW geometry in Geant balewski 2008-06-25 11:26
Meeting talk details of tracking efficiency for run5 bouchet 2008-06-25 09:08
Meeting talk AOB matis 2008-06-24 19:00
Meeting talk Mailing List Change matis 2008-06-24 18:59
Meeting talk Proposal Report matis 2008-06-24 18:58
Meeting talk Meeting at Nantes this week matis 2008-06-24 18:55
Image Gamma-jet candidate pt distributions for a three different data samples seluzhen 2008-06-24 18:22
Image Sided residual and sample gamma-jet candidate (EEMC response) seluzhen 2008-06-24 18:14
Image jet1 (with maximum NEF) vs jet2 pseudorapidity seluzhen 2008-06-24 18:01
Book page 2008.06.18 Photon-jet reconstruction with the EEMC detector (talk at the STAR Collaboration meeting) seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:19
Book page 2008.06.10 Gamma-jet candidate longitudinal double spin asymmetry seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:18
Book page 2008.06.09 STAR White paper plots (pt distribution: R_cluster 0.99 and 0.9 cuts) seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:16
Book page 2008.06.04 Gamma cluster energy in various EEMC layers: data vs MC seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:15
Book page 2008.05.30 Eta, phi, and pt distributions for gamma and jet from MC and pp2006 data seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:13
Book page 2008.05.27 Shower shapes: pp2006 data, MC gamma-jet and QCD jets, gammas from eta seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:12
Book page 2008.05.21 EEMC SMD data-driven library: some eta-meson QA plots seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:11
Book page 2008.05.20 Shower shapes sorted by pre-shower, z-vertex and gamma's eta, phi, pt seluzhen STAR Protected 2008-06-24 17:10