Conference talk |
Transverse Energy Production at RHIC |
kocolosk |
Conference talk |
The Effects of Pile Up in Cu-Cu sqrt(NN)=200GeV Collisions |
kocolosk |
Conference talk |
Mini Lecture: Heavy-Ion Physics |
kocolosk |
Conference session |
Juniors' Meeting |
kocolosk |
Conference talk |
dEta correlations at higher pT (no PID) |
mvl |
Conference talk |
Multi-strange two-particle correlations |
mvl |
Conference talk |
Coffee Break |
macl |
Conference talk |
Identified dEta correlations |
mvl |
Conference talk |
Correlations with identified strange particles in Au+Au |
mvl |
Conference talk |
Intermediate pT at different etas (ridge) |
mvl |
Conference talk |
Intermediate pT correlations paper |
mvl |
Conference session |
Joint High-pT, Spectra and Strangeness Session |
kocolosk |
Conference talk |
AOB/QM discussion |
macl |
Conference talk |
Status report on pentaquark searches |
macl |
Conference talk |
Coffee Break ?? |
macl |
Conference talk |
Lambda Polarisation |
macl |
Conference talk |
Lambda and K0Short cut analysis |
macl |
Conference talk |
Xi* in Heavy Ion Collisions |
mvl |
Meeting talk |
about error propagation in SH (appendix to Hania's study) |
chajecki |
Femtoscopy (HBT) |
Meeting talk |
SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (with RC- first look) |
hbtuser |
Meeting talk |
SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (without RC) |
hbtuser |
Meeting talk |
SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (the explanation of huge error bars) |
hbtuser |
Meeting talk |
Resonances in low-mult. collisions with Therminator |
chajecki |
Femtoscopy (HBT) |
Meeting talk |
Correlations due to momentum conservation |
chajecki |
Femtoscopy (HBT) |
Meeting talk |
QGP France: "Proton-proton correlations in STAR" |
chajecki |
Femtoscopy (HBT) |