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Type Title Author Replies Groups Last postsort icon
Book page GatedGrid polarity test for GridLeak genevb 2006-05-11 15:34
Book page pp200 (2006) genevb 2006-05-11 15:33
Meeting talk Self-alignment and how to move forward jeromel 2006-05-11 15:32
Meeting talk Calibration adjustment and recent changes jeromel 2006-05-11 15:31
Meeting talk Status and readiness of the code jeromel 2006-05-11 15:28
Meeting SVT/SSD Review Coordination meeting 6 jlauret Software and Computing 2006-05-11 15:26
Meeting SVT/SSD Review Coordination meeting 4 jlauret Software and Computing 2006-05-11 15:18
Meeting SVT/SSD Review Coordination meeting 5 jlauret Software and Computing 2006-05-11 15:12
Meeting talk GridLeak distortion progress testadmin 2006-05-10 10:51
Meeting talk Simulation request for SPin testadmin 2006-05-10 10:51
Meeting talk TPC Twist calibration progress testadmin 2006-05-10 10:50
Meeting talk Opened discussion testadmin 2006-05-10 10:48
Meeting talk Cu+Cu production, timeline and samples overview testadmin 2006-05-10 10:47
Meeting talk News from the front testadmin 2006-05-10 10:46
Meeting talk further pi-Xi purity study - trying to use pi-pi HBT petrchal 2006-05-05 09:22
Meeting talk First attempt of dN/deta scaling for proton correlations hbtuser 2006-05-05 05:43
Book page CuCu200 (2005) genevb 2006-05-04 10:38
Meeting talk Online status and issues testadmin 2006-05-03 10:06
Meeting talk Elog changes testadmin 2006-05-03 10:06
Meeting talk Xrootd production deployment readiness pjakl 2006-05-03 10:02
Meeting talk HFT simulation status jlauret 2006-05-03 10:00
Meeting talk Calibration status for Cu+Cu and Year6 p+p testadmin 2006-05-03 09:59
Meeting talk Opened Analysis issues testadmin 2006-05-03 09:57
Book page Metrics and Accounting stargrid 2006-04-27 16:15
Meeting talk D0 analysis in dAu and CuCu (first look) shabetai 2006-04-25 12:09