

Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00



Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Grid-friendly Starsim production scripts

Since the production activity of STAR is migrating to, and eventually will end up running mostly in the Grid environment, this necessitates modification (which often means simplification) of the produ

Merger/filtering script

Typically, a Starsim run will result in an output which is a file, or a series of files with names like gstar.1.fz, gstar.2.fz etc. Regardless of whether we run locally or on the Grid, there is a small chance that the file(s) will be truncated. To guard against the possibility of feeding up incorrect data to the reconstruction stage, and/or performing a split or merger of a few file, a KUMAC script has been developed. It will, among other things, discard incomplete events, and produce serially numbered files with names like rcf1319_01_100evts.fzd, which contains the name of the dataset, the serial number of the file (distinct from the numbering of the input files), and the number of events contained therein, all of which is helpful in setting up or debugging the production. It has recently been simplified (although still not easily readable), and wrapped into a utility shell script, which does preparation work as well as cleanup. The resulting script, named "filter.tcsh", takes a single argument which is assumed to be the name of the dataset (and which is then used in naming the output files).

Miscellaneous production scripts


This page has been created with the purpose to systematize the various scripts currently used in the Monte Carlo production and testing. The contents will be updated as needed, however the codes are presumed to be correct and working at any given time.

Pi0 spectra analysis

Joint High pT and Spectra Physics Working Group Session

17:30Pi0 spectra analysis ( 00:30 ) 1 fileGuoji
18:00Multi-hadron triggered jet-like correlations in Au+Au and d+Au ( 00:30 ) 1 fileBrooke Haag

K* paper proposal

Phi-meson studies in Cu+Cu collisions

Cu+Cu Kaon studies

Coffee Break

Resonances and EPOS model

Next steps for resolving Kaon issue

Update on K0s studies

Update on charged Kaon studies

Joint Strangeness and Spectra Physics Working Group Session

14:00Update on charged Kaon studies ( 00:20 ) 1 fileOlga
14:20Update on K0s studies ( 00:20 ) 2 filesLee
14:40Next steps for resolving Kaon issue ( 00:30 ) 0 filesAll
15:10Resonances and EPOS model ( 00:20 ) 1 fileSevil
Coffee Break ( 00:30 )
16:00Cu+Cu Kaon studies ( 00:40 ) 2 filesAnthony and Aneta/Betty
16:40Phi-meson studies in Cu+Cu collisions ( 00:30 ) 0 filesXinghua
17:10K* paper proposal ( 00:20 ) 0 filesXin

PID correlations

PID correlations

di-hadron correlations in Cu+Cu

Strange hadron correlation studies in Cu+Cu