Calibration status overview for TPC, p+p

Speaker : Gene Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:10, Duration : 00:10

BeamLine Constraint

  • Chain has been developed and tested
  • Useful triggers have been identified
  • File list to process has been created
    1. Will process through Tuesday, 16th of May initially to confirm it is going well
    2. Will then process through today
    3. Still some possibility for automating this through the end of the run
  • Processing in progress; should be finished with part 1 within a day or so

SpaceCharge & GridLeak

  • Calibrations using the ppProductionLong dataset from the past couple weeks is underway
  • Increased luminosity has made distortion larger than ever: now seeing primary vertex DCA distortions of close to 2cm!
  • I have been calibrating without a BeamLine constraint, which should hypothetically only smear my DCAs, not bias them...but I want to be sure...
  • Want to verify calibration of SpaceCharge & GridLeak with calibrated BeamLine before DB insertion; time estimate is end-of-this-week
  • Will need to re-calibrate with different beam polarizations/energies

Short in TPC IFC East

  • As Field Cage Shorts, there is a distortion due to an electrical short in the TPC IFC East
  • The excess current has been slowly increasing over the past couple months, so Blair & I decided to increase the compensating resistance today to again reduce the distortion
  • R&D still to be done on how to handle the non-constant excess current for a better calibration

Gene Van Buren

Status of the SVT review production

Speaker : Lidia Didenko ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10

Miscellaneous TPC calibration notes

The log file for automated drift velocity calculations is at ~starreco/AutoCalib.log.

Log files for fast offline production are at /star/rcf/prodlog/dev/log/daq.

The CVS area for TPC calibration related scripts, macros, etc., is StRoot/macros/calib.

ExB (twist) calibration procedure

In 2012, the procedure documentation was updated, including global T0 calibration:

Web Access


STAR web organization at BNL

  • The STAR home page URL is .


Speaker : All

Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 00:10
A possible AOB relates to several CyberSecurity actions mandated by DOE DC office. We failed our CSPP. The action items include
  1. Vulnerability Remediation - Highs and Moderates should all be gone

Spin PWG simulation status

Speaker : Maxim Potekhin ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:50, Duration : 00:10
Current production status

SVT/SSD review production library status (P06ic)

Speaker : Lidia Didenko ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:10

SVT review data samples, overview

Speaker : Moi ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10

We will revisit the agenda You do not have access to view this node and especially You do not have access to view this node

Track parameters extension & vertex errors - proposal

Speaker : Yuri Fisyak ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10

Results from Cu+Cu vertex finding

Speaker : Anthony Timmins ( BHAM )

Talk time : 12:10, Duration : 00:10

Anthony has a page at

News from the front

Speaker : Hal Spinka ( ANL )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10

CuCu data sample production time estimates from 200605

CuCu data sample production time estimates from 200605

non-femtoscopic correlations in PYTHIA

Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:10

HQ06 - pp vs heavy-ions

Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:10

Progress forward, missing code components

Speaker : All

Talk time : 15:00, Duration : 00:10

Self-Alignement discussion

Speaker : Victor Perevoztchikov ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:50, Duration : 00:10

Status and answers

Self-Alignement discussion

Speaker : Christine Nattrass ( Yale )

Talk time : 14:40, Duration : 00:10

Concerns and questions.

Geometry and Drift calibration status

Speaker : Spiros Margetis ( KSU )

Talk time : 14:30, Duration : 00:10

Production samples, statistics, time etc ...

Speaker : Jerome Lauret

Talk time : 15:40, Duration : 00:10
We would need to revisit all production requests and associate time and priorities for each of them. Estimates will be provided for the real data samples.

The numbers below were determined based on RealTime extraction